Staying positive

and full...

COVID Update

We are still unable to welcome visitors into our school, nor go on any of our previously arranged excursions, sadly. All staff wear masks at school and cleaning during and after each day is thoroughly done by Sherrell. (Thank you, Sherrell.) We have wipes and hand sanitiser readily available and encourage good hygiene practices.

Please keep your children home if they have any symptoms or sickness and they will need to have a COVID test before returning to school. This also applies to all staff.

It is lovely to have the children back at school and they have been happy and content to be back. We are working hard to maintain a positive and safe atmosphere after all the disruption of the last year. 


Donut Day

The latest SRC (Student Representative Council) event was Donut Day, which was held on Wednesday, 20th October. Kirra and Issi kindly ran the Donut Shop and sold iced, cinnamon and jam donuts to a very keen crowd. 

The money raised ($44.90) goes to the SRC and we are currently thinking about ways we can support the students at the school and other organisations in the local community. Everyone was very happy, very polite and very full!



Ice Cream Day

The SRC continue to come up with ideas to make school a happy and fun place and the latest idea is ice cream day. This will be held on Wednesday, 27th October (this Wednesday). The cost of two scoops is $2 and three scoops will be $3. We will have cones (waffle and plain) and bowls available. Thank you for supporting these ventures.