College Matters

Semester 1 Reports 

The Semester 1 reports will be available online at 3.30pm on Wednesday 26 June.


This report provides summary information on each student’s progress throughout Semester 1. This will include levels of achievement measured against the Victorian Curriculum Standards (Years 7-10), satisfactory achievement of outcomes (VCE) and work habits (Years 7-11). The report will show the grade for each CAT which has been completed in Semester 1, however no comments will appear on reports.


To access the written feedback which has been completed throughout the semester please access the learning tasks tab in the Compass Platform. More information on assessment and reporting at MGSC can be found in the Assessment and reporting Guide for Families on the college website

This guide is also on the Compass parent portal.

End of term - Friday 28 June 

Friday 28 June is the last day of term 2. There will be three Periods (no Period 4)  with an an early finish at 2.15pm. Class times for the day will be:


8.50am – 10.05am - Period 1

10.05am – 10.45am -  Recess 

10.50am – 12.05pm - Period 2

12.05pm – 12.55pm-  Lunch

1pm – 2.15pm - Period 3


Students are required to empty their lockers by the end of term. Pest controllers will be employed over the holidays.  Additional bins will be available to dispose of food scraps and other rubbish.

Parents & Friends' Association 

The next PFA meeting is at 7pm on Tuesday 16 July in the staffroom. All parents invited to attend. We will be discussing further opportunities for use of PFA funds and other possible social events. Ideas welcomed.

2019 Reunions

The Past Students' Association will run two official reunion events for past students this year.

Thursday 8 August, 7pm to 9pm will be a combined reunion celebrating 5, 10, 15 and 20 years for the classes of 2014, 2009, 2004 and 1999.

Thursday 24 October, 2pm for a 2.30pm to 4.30pm reunions will be an afternoon tea and tour open to former students from 1955 to 1998.  


The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like camps.  Applications for 2019 close before the end of term and should be submitted now. There is more information on the DET website:

Free dental checkup for eligible students

For further information please contact Sue Gravina (First Aid)

Carol Duggan & Bronwyn Moline

Assistant Principals