Principal's Message

Dear parents, families & guardians
The chill of winter has really set into Melbourne over the past few weeks, making it a little difficult to get out of our beds in the morning. Whilst staff and students are focusing on their learning inside the classroom, outside it has been raining. I am thankful though that our plants are thriving and that the jonquils are blooming near the entrance to the Reception.
We have seen many families come along to one of our many guided tours of the school. You may not be aware that these tours are led by our students and they are our best ambassadors for the school. We receive very positive feedback from families not only in relation to the feel of the school, but also in the dignified and friendly way that our students engage with them on the tours.
As I write this message to you all, our Year 10 students are engaged with the world beyond the school gates. We have students in Central Australia and Tasmania and some of our students are sampling the world of work by taking up the opportunity to attend Work Experience once again.
At MGSC we strive to prepare our students for the world beyond their secondary education which is why we provide them with an exam experience starting at Year 9. It is one of the ways in which they can refine and consolidate their knowledge under these exam conditions. All students taking a Unit 3 subject participated in the GAT (General Achievement Test) on Wednesday 12 June and this will also be a useful preparation for their exams at the end of the year.
Our staff have been engaged in the assessment and reporting process over the past week or so and yesterday, we released students early so that teachers could conduct the report verification process. Parents and students will be able to review the reports shortly. A Newsfeed will be sent out to families when this date arrives.
We have had a number of staff on long service leave this term and we have employed some very talented teachers in their place. These temporary staff have either finished their contract or will shortly finish their contract with us. The staff who will be leaving us at the end of the term are Hilda Ngo, Amanda Russo, Angela Xu and Vana Dimu. We wish them all the best for their future. Returning from leave are Louise Rieniets, Deb McKay, Greg Wallis, Luke de Munk and Anne Gamble
I wish everyone the best for the holidays.
Best wishes
Kind regards
Linda Brown