Assistant Principal's Page

Cycle #1 Reports

After an extensive review of our Reporting processes last year, t has been decided that we will move from six reporting cycles to four. Reports will now be published at the end of each term.

This does not reduce the number of Common Assessment Tasks (CATs) that students will complete or the assessment and feedback being accessible through Compass two weeks after the conclusion of the task.

Should you have any questions regarding this change, please don't hesitate to contact Mr. Dixon via the College Office.

Process for contacting parents/guardians whilst students are at school.

We would like to remind both students and parents that whilst a student is in attendance at school, all communications should go through the general office.  If a student is sick and needs to go home, contact should be made via the general office rather than students contacting their parents directly or visa versa.  We thank you for your support in this matter.

Year 10 Camp

Anglesea Valley Lodge

18th – 20th February


For the first time, the College has taken our new Year 10s on a three-day camp to welcome them into Senior School. The camp was designed to encourage students in their pursuit of the College values: excellence, creativity and respect.

Over the three days, the students participated in a range of activities including archery, mountain biking, a ‘Jungle Jim’ obstacle course, a climbing wall and a low ropes course (which included a flying fox).

In addition, Ms. Ford ran team-building activities, Ms. Riddoch ran sessions on organisation and time management and Mr. Dixon ran sessions on the differences between Middle Years and Senior School and strategies to get the best results possible.

On the first evening the students were involved in a workshop held by Trash Puppets ( and focused on the themes of creativity, collaboration and sustainability.

The second evening saw the students compete in the Trivia evening, again working on collaboration and creativity. Congratulations to the winning team, “Excuses, Excuses, Excuses”.

Though tired, the students had a great couple of days.

Thanks to Ms. Riddoch for organizing the camp and all the teachers who attended – Ms. McMahon, Mr. Ellis, Ms. Sharpe and Ms. Ford.



Mrs Judy Anderson & Mr Andrew Dixon   

Assistant Principals