Principal's Message


Last Friday our whole community came together, not only to acknowledge the special Dads in our lives, but to simply show our love to all those special people in our lives. The morning was filled with fun math mystery games, a delicious hot breakfast and a footy parade.

For a child, this day isn’t really about giving Dad a gift. It is about recognizing the gift of caring that fathers express when they cheer at a soccer game, teach their child to ride a bike, smile at a graduation, give their daughter’s hand in marriage, or giggle with a grandchild.

For a father, Father’s day isn’t so much about taking the accolades of a job well done (even though they may be well deserved!), but about giving thanks for the opportunity to give. And remember, the greatest gift that we give our children is the actual expression of our love.

Take a moment each day and give your child the kind of hug that can leave no doubt

that you really treasure their presence in your life.

Thank you to our wonderful staff, who made this day so special for everyone, we are truly blessed by their good spirits and good will, even that early in the morning!


What a way to celebrate the power of reading and the influences that books play in our lives. Thank you to all of our students who obviously have some favourite book characters and to our parents who supported our students to dress up. Just have a look at all the fun we had.



Our 4 Year Licence agreement with Camp Australia expires in December 2019. Our Working Party is conducting a needs analysis survey to determine how satisfied parents are with the current program (Camp Australia) and to assist us when considering future providers.


We ask that you please take the time to complete this survey.  This will assist us in the tender process and to secure a provider that meets our community needs. Your feedback is very important to us. Whether you have used, currently use or intend to use the service, we want to hear your opinion.


Ms Jo Ritson has placed 6th in the Triathlon World Championships in Lausanne Switzerland. Jo represented Great Britain and during the swim moved from 26th place to 6th.  She was the second Brit that placed and therefore has automatically qualified for the championships next year. We can’t wait to celebrate with Jo when she returns. What an inspiration!



On the 28th of August, 25 specially picked Year 5/6 students went to an event called the ‘Big Day In’.

The ‘Big Day In’ is where different schools from all over Melbourne went to Malvern Valley Primary School to do STEM activities. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

In total, we did three activities. For the first activity we had to make a prototype house, but we were only allowed to use dry spaghetti and marshmallows. But this wasn’t any old house that we had to make, this one had to withstand earthquakes!

When we were finished building them, we put our houses on a little platform which vibrated the houses as if there was a real earthquake. A couple of them stayed standing, and a couple fell down, but all the results were sent as data so countries who are effected by earthquakes and other natural disasters, can build safer houses.

For the second activity, we did some coding on a website called Scratch. Using Scratch, we created games and effects that entertained and amused.

For the third activity, Scott from Latrobe University, talked to us about the Internet. The Internet is actually a bunch of underwater cables, linking to other countries. In the cables, there are glass fibres and all the videos, messages and everything online, is transported as light through the glass fibres.

We also looked at what future homes may look like in 10 years.

Over all, it was a very fun experience, and hopefully the 5/6's next year will get to go as well.

By Bethany Aarons



It’s with a big old sigh, we all remembered that from the 1st September to 30th April,

ALL RPS students and staff are expected to wear hats during recess and lunch and for all

outdoor activities, especially Physical Education.

We hope to see you at our Working Bee this Saturday ...

                                                    Natalie Rose                                        Jess Grey

                                                          Principal                                     Assistant Principal