Specialist News

District Swimming

On Friday 22nd February, 20 students represented Ripponlea at the District Swimming Carnival. Students practised hard on Thursday mornings prior to the event with an early start of 7am at Harold Holt swimming pool. All their practise came in very useful as many students swam personal bests and all round we had a very successful morning.


Our Year 11 boys relay team made up of: Cohen Sands, Finley Burns, Wynn Arumugam and Henry King qualified, along with Miyabi Akiya in the 11 year old butterly event has qualified to represent the Balaclava District in the Division swimming championships on Friday 8th March. The boys have been completing some extra practise sessions to ensure they are thoroughly prepared. We wish them all the best and look forward to hearing how they go.


RACV Foundation Incursion

On Monday of this week our Foundation students took part in an incursion ran by the RACV. This covered how to keep safe around road traffic, recognising traffic signals, walking safely across roads by following ‘stop, look, listen, think’ and how to keep safe whilst riding. Students left with an information sheet which we encourage you to read together and a fluorescent bag tag to help them be seen when the darker nights set in.