From the Deputy Principal, Secondary
From the Deputy Principal, Secondary
20 August – Year 11 and 12 Students
This year we are introducing a new format for our Intercol with CBC. Football, soccer and basketball will be played at professional, neutral venues. The soccer and football will be played on Tuesday 20 August and entry will be restricted to current Year 11 and 12 students and immediate family members of representing players. Year 11 and 12 students will not have any lessons on Tuesday 20 August; instead they will be transported by charter bus to and from the two games. More information about Intercol Week, including venues, uniform, expectations, times and ticketing will be distributed by Mr Michael Parrella early next term.
Pedal Prix
Blackfriars unleashed our inaugural Pedal Prix trike on Sunday 16 June at Victoria Park. If you are unfamiliar with Pedal Prix I suggest you come to race two at Victoria Park on Sunday 28 July, 2019. Words cannot do justice to the magnitude of the event. Our carbon fibre trike team is headed by Mr Jeff Drewer along with his six core riders. Congratulations to Campbell Griffiths, Nicholas Pamula, Kyle Baker, Mitchell Gregory, Mitchell R and Declan Hillman. The boys were exceptional and finished a highly respectable 24th place. Over 160 teams are involved in Pedal Prix and we look forward to working towards the premier event in Murray Bridge in September.
Staff Week (reminder)
As mentioned in previous editions, this year we have introduced a three week break in July with Trinity Term concluding on Friday 28 June, 2019 at 3:15pm. Staff will be involved in a week of professional development with a focus on mental health and well-being.
End of Semester
A reminder that reports will be available on SEQTA on Monday 1 July, 2019. Reports are a summary of our continuous online reporting. All assessment items have a comment from the staff member that details your son’s progress against the standards and how he can improve. Please be aware that you can contact your son’s teachers through SEQTA and we strongly encourage a regular channel of communication between staff and parents.
Assumption Term (Term 3) will begin on Monday 22 July for all year levels.
I wish you all the very best for the three-week break. Holidays are a time for our boys to reflect on the Four Pillars in their life as they make time for Prayer, Study, Community and Service.
God Bless.
Mr David Ruggiero (BPS'92)