Hosting a Japanese Student
Can you host a Japanese Student?
Blackfriars will be hosting a group of exchange students from our sister school, Nagoya Otani High School, Japan. There will be both male and female students and their ages range from 15 to 17 years and they will be attending school at Blackfriars during school time.
The students will arrive on Thursday 25 July 2019 and will need to be picked up by their host family from school at 3.30 pm. They will depart on Monday 12 August 2019. The departure time from school has not been confirmed yet but the host families will not need to take the students to the airport. Host families will receive a monetary gift of $300 (for the whole stay) as a contribution towards covering costs.
If you are willing to host a Japanese student, we would like you to attend an important information night for host families later in Term 1.
Homestay families will:
- Welcome the student as a member of the family
- Provide transportation to school each day
- Provide 3 meals per day and laundry
To register your interest, please contact Ms Chikako Oguma as soon as possible.
Ms Chikako Oguma