From the Principal
Students participating in the Dominican Feud - from Blackfriars, Cabra Dominican College and St Dominic's Priory College
From the Principal
Students participating in the Dominican Feud - from Blackfriars, Cabra Dominican College and St Dominic's Priory College
Dear Blackfriars Community
This is the final comprehensive newsletter of Term 2. There will, however be an abridged newsletter for Week 10 with essential information and reminders for the holidays and Term 3.
Staff Professional Development Week - Term 2 | Week 10 | Mon 1 to Fri 5 July
As previously communicated in the Week 5 newsletter, I again remind parents/carers of the Staff Professional Development Week that will occur in Week 10. As a consequence all students, R-12 will conclude Term 2 on:
Friday 28 June 2019
Primary Years @ 3:05pm
Secondary Years @ 3:15pm
NB: End of Term half days no longer exist at Blackfriars – the last day of term is a full day of school and students are expected to attend as per a normal school day, concluding at 3:05pm (Primary) or 3:15pm (Secondary).
The Professional Learning Week for staff will provide continuity in Professional Learning programs, such as:
Term 3
School resumes for all students R -12 on Monday 22 July, 2019.
It is now openly public that the Adelaide City Council (ACC) have granted permission for the Adelaide Football Club (AFC) to enter into a participation agreement (rules for engagement) with the ACC and develop a proposal for Park 2 which includes the North Adelaide Aquatic Centre and surrounding ovals.
Currently Blackfriars has a valid and binding lease with the Adelaide City Council for the use of Park 2 and we have no reason to believe that our lease should not continue in the future as it has over the past 60+ years.
The Adelaide Football Club proposal is guided by the Adelaide City Council’s Unsolicited Proposal available on the ACC website:
The Blackfriars Executive Team and the School Board are closely monitoring the emerging developments and have had recent separate and positive meetings with the Adelaide City Council and the Adelaide Football Club.
It is very clear from public statements made by the Adelaide Football Club and the Adelaide City Council that the Adelaide Football Club will need to satisfy very stringent conditions in their proposal. These include:
Student Activities
As we move towards the end of Term 2, I note with pride the myriad of activities that have been made available to students of Blackfriars to engage and participate in, all of which provide a valuable opportunity to contribute to the overall development of their talents and personal skills. The activities represent the remarkable diversity and richness of a Blackfriars education and commitment to delivering programs that extend beyond the formal Australian Curriculum; developing further the capabilities of creativity, problem solving, ethical decision making and collaboration in each student’s scope of learning.
For your interest and information, the activities, programs and initiatives have included:
I have attended all of these events and have been absolutely delighted with the engagement and quality of participation of students of Blackfriars. We are justifiably proud of our students for their enthusiastic involvement in the life of our School. Their manners and the respect our students display for others gives witness to their understanding and commitment to the Dominican values of Blackfriars as well as their family foundation and expectations.
I wish all members of our community a safe and relaxing time during the upcoming holidays and look forward to warmly welcoming the boys back to our community on Monday 22 July, 2019.
God bless you and keep you safe,
Mr Simon Cobiac