House Update

Hello everybody!!
It’s Blackwoods’s 2021 House Captains, Luke and Nadine here!!!
It goes without saying that we are so happy and excited to be leading the most interconnected and supportive house at Suzanne Cory. This year has been such a crazy one, but we managed to pull through it together and even secured ourselves a solid win for HOUSE CUP!!
We are so proud of everyone who contributed this year, whether through something big or small. Our contribution skyrocketed this year and that’s what really pushed us through to the end, and now moving into 2021, we’ve got to focus on continuing this amazing level of participation, and you know what that means - no empty lanes!
With our year 11 and 12 VCE basketball teams winning all their games so far, we have already kicked off the new year with such an amazing start, and fingers crossed, they continue their winning streak next term!
Not only did our basketball teams perform amazing but our year 9 and 10 debating team did too! Although we did not come first, the team demonstrated the Blackwood spirit and made it to the finals and gave it their absolute all!
News Flash! 2021 is Blackwood’s year. Our participation, motivation and contribution will be our main focus. We’ll be paving the way for a winning streak like no other, so watch out - Blackwood’s coming in strong!
Luke Douglas (B2) and Nadine Ayoub (B8)
Without a doubt, 2020 has inevitably been a year to remember, and this was no exception for all Cottrellians.
Despite the challenges everyone faced during lockdown, Cottrellians maintained their persistence, continued to actively contribute to house activities and even managed to be so close to pulling a win!
Cottrell was able to achieve many things such as coming first in house chess, virtual cross country, house Tik Tok, virtual track and field, rubix cube relay, house pride photo competition and this is all thanks to the Cottrellians for their efforts and house spirit which upflited the house!
In spite of coming just short of the house cup, let this be a reminder to all of Cottrell of just how close the gap is between all the houses. There is no such thing as a house being better than all the other houses. Every year, it all comes down to the amount of participants that contribute towards the house program, and Blackwood truly rose to the occasion.
So moving forward into 2021, we hope that there will be an even higher number of participants who will contribute towards the house program!
With that being said, let us introduce Cottrell’s new leadership team for 2021!
Year 10 Vice - Carin Danial
Year 11 Vice - Alex Jaison
Sports captain - Jashith Kumar
Chorals domain - Ojas Manocha
Initiatives captains - Ron Aby & Hamza Adam
Wellbeing captain - Kim Dinh
SRC 10 - Carol Danial
SRC 11 - Cindy Truong
SRC 12 - Hugo Somboonsin
On a final note, we wanted to congratulate Cottrell again for the massive support again this year and shoutout to both Vaibhav and Rocky for all their hard work and efforts throughout this year. Hopefully we can carry the massive amount of positive energy towards next, and finally claim the house cup!
Cheers and have a nice holiday!
Shawn Le (C8) and Jenny Tran (C8) (2021 Cottrell House Captains)
"It has always been a pleasure to be a part of Kororoit and it is an absolute privilege to be leading the house as the 2021 House Captains. Luca and I have enjoyed every increment of our journey and we promise to put our heart and soul into spreading house spirit, connection, inclusion and fun.
2020 was a tough year for everyone; we all missed out on so much. Getting involved in everything house related next year is essential. We’ve got a whole year worth of pent up energy to bring in 2021! Winning feels good but making memories feels better. By getting involved you can not only score House Points but feel a sense of pride and belonging.
Both of us have always been involved in all things House related, whether it be Swimming and Chorals or even the smaller things such as Trivia. Luca and I enjoy being a part of a vigorous and passionate team and along with our amazing leadership team, are striving to make many great achievements with the House in 2021. Next year we aim to not only build onto our flaming House Spirit, we also want our members to be proud of being a Kororoitian and understand that they are all AMAZING people! Together we will conquer and have fun doing it!
Commencing our 2021 Kororoit year, we have been focusing on the House Debating and Chess Competition. Our role as Captains were to make sure everyone involved, not only worked hard and strived to win, but to also enjoy themselves and learn from the experience! The VCE Sport program also stepped off the ground during the two weeks of Transition, with both Year 11s and 12s getting involved in games of Basketball against other Houses. The whole of Kororoit is also greatly looking forward to the School Swimming Carnival at the start of next year, with almost every lane being filled as soon as sign ups began!
I’d like to finish by saying how proud we are of you all for facing the challenges 2020 dealt with resilience and grace. Well done!Have a restful and restorative break,"
Kororoit House Captains
Kathy Nguyenvu (K2) & Luca Chiavaroli (K5)
It has been a rollercoaster of a year to say the least.
In the few weeks we’ve been back, Rothwell has been smashing house competitions (giving us a good indication what may happen in 2021) with our intermediate debate team winning in the finals against Kororoit. Congratulations to Aakriti, Harpreet, and the best speaker of the final debate Ananya!
As well as debate, this Monday, we had the final round of interhouse chess. After three intense rounds of competition, Kororoit and Blackwood took the competition with Rothwell behind by only 3 wins. Well done to Elliot, Damian, Adarsh, Matthew, Muhtasim and John!
We kicked off VCE basketball with wins for the girls and year 12 boys whilst the year 11 boys played a very close game. In the second round (so far) the year 12 boys played a neck-and-neck game against Blackwood, unfortunately ending the game only 2 points behind. The turnout to all the games has been incredible with all teams displaying great house spirit and sportsmanship.
During the recent Leadership Day, our 2021 team came together to discuss how we would like to move forward in the upcoming school year; topics ranged from ways we can make up for the events we missed out on this year to adding non-house related competitions to build more year level relationships. We particularly focused on student voice and ways to better collect opinions on aspects of the school that the student body enjoys, and those that could be improved.
Manya Arya (R9), Year 10 Vice House Captain