Book Fair


Hello Trinity School Community,


We are very excited to be able to run our Scholastic Book Fair this year!


As you might remember, this is usually an event which is held during our fabulous Book Week but due to the current circumstances it had been postponed until November the 19th (and will run until Wednesday the 25th of November.)


We are very much looking forward to it as it is an event our students and the whole school community enjoys very much and it is a wonderful occasion to browse through the stalls and look at books.


As to the logistics this year: 

Normally all family and carers are welcome to have a look as well and we are always very appreciative of the help we are getting to run the fair. But as circumstances are different this year, we are unfortunately not able to invite anyone else but students to the fair and we will also truly miss the wonderful hands on support we normally receive from parents and carers to run the fair.


Students will be able to view the books and treasures that they may like to purchase, and each child will receive a wishlist on which they can write the details. 


We always appreciate your support in this wonderful event and each dollar spent will help the school receive more wonderful books for our library. 


Thank you very much in advance. We can 't wait!


All the very best and

warmest regards

Barbara Shaw 

Library Administration