Library News 

Readathon - Thank You!

This year's Readathon organised by Newlands PFA raised over $6000 for the school library.  An amazing result especially considering the circumstances we found ourselves in. Certificates and prizes will be presented next week when classes attend the library and there will be a full round up in a future issue of the newsletter. 


Library use

Many thanks to all of you who have returned books and continue to borrow. We are steadily reducing the number of overdue items (a result of the COVID restrictions). It would be good to get these numbers as low as possible before the library undergoes its annual stock take in late November/early December so please have a good look around at home (under the bed, under the dog) and bring those books back. 


The library is not open at lunchtime as result of current restrictions but individual classes still attend as timetabled:


P/1: Thursday 

2/3: Wednesday & Friday

4/5/6: any time (leave in box outside library)


Book Club Number 7

Deadline for ordering has crept up rather quietly on this one and it actually closes today so apologies for the late notice. But much like dodgy land sales there will be another on along very soon.

