Grade 4/5/6

Form my Buddy

A reminder that the 2021 Canberra permission notes and deposits must be paid and given by next week Friday November 6th please. 

Click here for the permission form.



Happy school days

We are still so happy to see all the smiling faces! The students have quickly transition into our school routine, collaborated brilliantly during Builders in Maths, Genius Hour and expressing their persuasive devices in Literacy.


Even though we can't see our buddies we are still engaging by sending them some cool Spanish activites.


To add to the excitement the 2021 Grade 6 jackets and tops have been organised and order forms will be going out soon.


We welcome our new student in Grade 5, Ella Richards and her family to Newlands and the 4/5/6 cohort.


This term we  open our doors to Pre-Service teachers:

Farhia (12th Oct - 4th Nov) 

Ummi (19th Oct – 10th Nov) 


❁ Start time 9:00 am - (Can only enter school grounds after 8:45 am) 

❁ 4/5/6s will come through the McNamara gate. 

❁ No parents allowed into the school for drop off / pick up. 


❁ 4/5/6s dismissed from classroom at 3:15 pm. 

❁ 4/5/6s leave the school via the McNamara gate. 

❁ No parents allowed into the school for pick up. 


❁ Students collecting siblings will go to the basketball court to wait and meet them. 

❁ 4/5/6 students attending OOSH program will be supervised until 3:30. 


We recommend if you have students in various cohorts, you organise a meeting point with your children.  


Please do not enter/leave the grounds through the driveway as this is dangerous.

Upcoming Dates to Note: 

October, Monday 19th: 2021 Canberra Excursion Information evening. 6:45 pm 

( On Microsoft Teams)

October, Tuesday 20th: Yarning Conference (Grade 5) Online

October, Friday 23rd: Public Holiday (no school today) – Thank you Day

October, Monday 26th: Staff Professional Learning Day (no school today) 

no students onsite or remote learning - Berry Street training for staff

October, Friday 30th:  Author Visit - Kirsty Murray (Online)

November, Tuesday 3rd: Melbourne Cup Day

November 6th, Friday: 2021 Canberra Trip Permission and Deposit Due (Grade 3,4 and 5 students only)


Mathematics Overview

We are still revisiting all mathematical concepts with a focus on fraction/decimals/percentages. 

In our Builders program, we have incorporated engaging hands on activities, such as float the boat, sewing and rocket making with blocks and tower making with magnetic shapes!

We have also been focusing on 'probablidad' (probability) within our Builders in Matemáticas (Mathematics). We thought about la probabilidad (the probability) of hydralyte tablets dissolving in different tempered waters. We also identified fracciones (fractions), decimals and percentages within these. Check out our wonderful collaborative work, along with bottle flips too!

Literacy Overview

With many Grade 4/5s seeking to be Leaders in 2021, Grade 6s venturing near the end of primary life, hot topics and some very talked about elections around the globe. This term we are looking at persuasive writing, debating and speeches within our Literacy program . You can help your child by discussing many topics and ideas, read the news or ask their opinion about topics such as who gets the bigger piece of a cake...

We have started to plan and escribir (write) our own texto persuasivo (persuasive text) about a topic of our choice!

Genius Hour 

Ideas from students are coming in fast. Some with a humanities focus, others with a science focus and everything in between. Students are still fine tuning but excitement is palpable. 


House Sports/House Names


The excitement has started to brew around what could be the new House names at Newlands. Week 1 students explored 'What is in a Name?'. Investigating why names are chosen, why specific colour and/or emblems are selected. Week 2 students have been researching the area Newlands PS is in and what makes our area unique. Have we got any unique flora or fauna? Are their reasons some creeks and parks have the names they have?... Our students are showing wonderful creativity and curiosity in the sphere. We are looking forward to hearing their ideas. 


4/5/6 Blog

To see the examples of work done in the 4/5/6 area visit our Blog


❁ NOTE: If you require the password please ask your child's homeroom teacher.