Grade 2/3

Good to be back!

Grade 3's - A reminder that the 2021 Canberra permission notes and deposits must be paid and given by next week Friday November 6th please.  Click here for the permission form.


We are in the process of getting all the books back into Newlands Library, we ask the families to look at home and bring all the books borrowed to read at home during Remote Learning. 


For the remainder of our Inquiry unit, this term students are working on an interest based project that could relate to out of Space or anything they are passionate about. They will be conducting research through internet sites and books from the library. 



It is been great to be off screens since returning to the classroom, and we are ready to enjoy the benefits of having devices at school. Please from Wednesday 4th of November every student will bring their devices from home. 


Sneak peak of our week

School pick up

Just a reminder that 23 students are to be picked up from the basketball court at 3:15pm. Those with siblings in Prep/1 will wait on the bench with their teachers until 3:30.

Pre-service teacher

We are happy to welcome James into the 2.3 area as a pre-service teacher. He will be working with Cass over the next four weeks. 


Newlands Sunsmart Policy

Our SunSmart policy has been developed to ensure that all students attending our school are protected from skin damage caused by ultra-violet rays from the sun. The wearing of hats, which protect the face, neck, and ears, is compulsory whenever the children are outside during Terms 1 and 4. All students are required to wear school hats that protect their face, neck and ears, i.e. legionnaire, bucket hat. We encourage the use of SPF 30+ broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen when the students are in the playground, on excursions and playing sport.


Handy hint: Make sure sunscreen is put on before school. Teachers will remind students to put on sunscreen before playtime. 

Upcoming Dates

❁ November, Tuesday 2nd  - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday

❁ Wednesday 3rd November - School Photos

❁ Friday 6th November - Canberra permission notes and deposit due (Grade 3)


Lunch outside
Lunch outside