School Dates, Forms & Parent Information

School Dates & Events





Friday 11th - Curriculum Day NO SCHOOL

Friday 18th - Last day of Term 4 - 1:30pm finish

2020 Term Dates

Term 1 - 28th January to 27th March 

Term 2 - 14th April to 26th June 

Term 3 - 13th July to 18th September 

Term 4 - 5th October to 18th December

Student Absences 

Absent all day?   

Parents to enter approval directly into compass by 9:15am (this can also be done in advance) OR phone the school office on 9578 1327 and leave a message on option # 1.


*Automated text messages are now sent daily to both parents of all students who have been marked absent without parent approval.


Arriving late? 

When you arrive to school, the student must be signed IN at the school office by the parent/carer prior to going to class. This can not be done in advance or from the parent portal.


Leaving early?

During Covid-19 times, Parents are asked to call 5-10 minutes prior to picking up heir child to ensure they are ready and waiting in the office. Parent/Carer must sign the student OUT at the school office prior to picking them up from class. This can not be done in advance or from the parent portal.


Please Note - Students must be signed in or out by a parent or legal guardian over the age of 18 years. Students are not permitted to sign themselves in/out of school. 

Parent Contact Details

Have your contact details changed? If so please let the office know in writing so we can update our records. This includes changes to emergency contacts, additional numbers to call if needed and any changes to employment details.


School Communication Channels

School Office

Monday to Friday                -        8:15am to 4:15pm    

Phone                                     -        03 9578 1327   

Email                                       -

Website                                  -

Compass Parent Portal     - 

During Covid-19 Restrictions amended Office Hours are 9:00am- 2:30pm Monday to Friday

Out of School Hours Program

Monday to Friday                -   7:30am to 8:45am    &    3:30pm to 6:00pm

Phone                                     -   03 9578 5826

Email                                       -   April     or     Sharelle

Medication at School Form

If your child requires medication to be administered during school hours, please complete this form and hand it to the Front Office with the required medication in it's original packaging. 

Lunch Order Menus 

Taste Galore    -    Tuesday & Friday

  • Online orders must be processed by 4pm the day prior to required order.
  • Cancellations must be processed via app by 8:30am the day of required order.

Classroom Cuisine - Wednesday, Thursday & Friday



Community Corner