Year 5/6 Sports Afternoon

To celebrate our Mission Day, our Year 5/6 children will participate in a sports afternoon together playing their sport of choice e.g. football, netball, basketball, soccer, badminton or active games. Children will need to bring their runners, or other sports gear (depending on their pyjamas) to make their sport a little more comfortable. All the sports will be played at Sacred Heart. We look forward to having some fun!


Sacred Heart V’s St Mary’s

Last Thursday our Year 5/6 children travelled by bus to St Mary’s to play a variety of sports e.g. football, netball, tennis, kickball and soccer. It was great to see the children enjoying the social experience that sport offers. A big thank you to all the staff at St Mary’s for their organisation (and the icy pole at the end). Well done to all our children for their great sportsmanship. 





It's a free 6 week program (commencing 28/10) perfect for anyone interested in trying out the sport for the first time, been missing soccer like crazy, or just keen to get active.


Most of the info is in the flyer, we just request that anyone showing symptoms/contact with someone showing symptoms of COVID-19 within the past 14 days not attend and also not arrive 15 minutes before scheduled kick off time.


Our Facebook page will be continually updated between now and the start as well as during the programs. Any more information, please text myself: 

(Tom) on 0467 976 993 or message our Facebook page.


Regards, Tom Davis - Club President - Colac Otway Rovers




Elliminyt Tennis Club*** Wanted ***Division 3 Tennis Players

Our club is looking for 3 Junior Tennis players to join our Div 3 team.PDTA Saturday morning tennis competition. You need to have a good understanding of how to play Tennis and be able to get a serve in from the back line. If you havea child who could be interested please get in touch. 

Contact us via Facebook: Elliminyt Tennis Club or 

Call the club secretary on 0417144273 asap.

Competition starts Saturday 31st of October 2020.