Learning in M25

Mrs Watson

Middle School M25 Watson/Breadon is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

In M25 we have started to learn about number patterns. We are able to identify a pattern by recognizing if the numbers are increasing or decreasing and using a strategy to identify how much the numbers are changing by each time.  We then use the rule to continue the pattern. 


We use a growth mindset in our classroom to ensure we are always giving things a go and challenging ourselves to learn skills. We also have a class pet named... 

Fuzzy Fuzzbert and he helps us make respectful and responsible choices with our behaviour!




In Reading, we have been focusing on learning to summarise what we read. We used the strategy; Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then. This helps us to remember important details of the text in the order they happened. 



Mrs Watson

Year 3 Teacher