News and Notices 

From the Principal

Welcome to Term 2 at RidgeView. We are finally at Orange Setting and trying to get school back to normal as much as possible. 

It was so wonderful to have all our parents back onsite for our end of term Biathlon. Our children did so well, giving it their all and being so supportive of each other. 

We were also very lucky to have a visit from Jenni and Harold, and the Life Education caravan. 

We have some wonderful learning experiences planned for Term 2. Our Inquiry is The Physical World and the children will be divided into four groups and visit all four teachers to cover the topics Sound, Light, Force and Motion, and Electricity. The idea is to make our learning as hands on as possible. We are also working in groups on making art panels to go outside our school. We are looking at healthy food and healthy eating as our health focus this term, and will be making some simple, healthy food with the children.


Road Safety

Our favourite police officer, Constable Louise, came into school on Tuesday to talk to the children about road safety. They practised crossing over driveways, crossing over the pedestrian crossing and crossing the road on the pedestrian crossing. The older children also went up to Paremoremo Road and Constable Louise showed them the safest place to cross and how to do it.

Yummy Stickers

Just a reminder to collect the Yummy Stickers found on apples and stone fruit. We send them in at the end of September and are then gifted sports equipment such as skipping ropes and balls. You can either collect a sticker collection sheet from the office or download one here.

Swimming Pool

Unfortunately we have had to drain the swimming pool again as the paint is lifting and coming off the walls and floor. We are working with the company who did the paint work to find a solution to this problem. I am sure you can relate when I express my huge frustration with this issue. 

Working Bee 

The working bee that had been provisionally set for 7 May has been postponed at the moment. Watch this space for details.

School Donation

Just a reminder that our school donation is $70 per term or $280 per year per child. Any contribution that you can make is always very gratefully received.

Rippa Rugby

North Harbour Rugby is coming into school on 11 and 25 May to run sessions teaching the Year 2 - 6 children to play rippa. I will hand out forms for children who are interested in playing in the rippa tournament after the first session.

Old Mobile Phones

Do you have an old phone that you no longer use and would be happy to wipe clean and donate to the school? We are able to connect the phones to our internet and the children can then use them to take photos of their work or use some of the educational apps that are available.


Pink Shirt Day

Every year, RidgeView takes part in Pink Shirt Day in order to make money for the national Anti-bullying Campaign. We ask that each child wears a pink (or red) shirt to school and brings a gold coin.

Tying up Long Hair

I would really recommend that everyone with long hair, ties it up. It is much easier in the heat and with swimming if hair is neat and tidy. It also helps to stop the spread of nits.


Fruit for Morning Tea

Does anyone have any fruit growing in their gardens that they would be able to donate to the school  for the children to eat at morning tea.

New Telephone Number

Our new telephone number is 027 593 5963.


If your child is going to be away from school, please either email Kalene on or phone and leave a message on the answer phone. We need to follow up every day.