From the Library 

Updates on some of our creative projects


The Zine Machine is on its way!


During the school holidays, Luke who manages the city zine store Sticky, took a trip up to Canberra and collected two zine machines. One for Sticky and one for NHS. The zine machine is now in Melbourne, and we will take possession of it shortly. 

There will be a project to paint the machine once it arrives. We will also be having zine making and printing workshops at lunchtime on Mondays.

The library has a new selection of zine related titles to inspire your zine making. 



Postcrossing 2022


Earlier this year, mail arrived for students from Draguignan in Provence, France. NHS students were invited to correspond with students at a school there. This opportunity is still available to any students who are interested in learning about France, writing about life here in Australia, making international friends and sending snail mail. All costs for materials and postage are covered by the library. Please come and see Diana in the library for details.


Art on the High Street in Draguignan, France
Art on the High Street in Draguignan, France