
Vermont Secondary College

Year 10 Careers Fast Track

All Year 10 students have some quick and easy career-life quizzes to do which forms part of the Year 10 Personal Learning and Career Pathway plan.  So far 96 students have started or completed the stage 1.  Parents/Carers please encourage your child to complete the quizzes in preparation for the next steps!This activity is part of a 3 stage process which must be completed sequentially:  

Stage 1 – Completing the online quizzes (creates an individual CFT Portfolio)

Stage 2 - Refining the Careers Fast Track Portfolio  

Stage 3 - 1:1 counselling session with a CFT Counsellor in Term 3

The CFT program informs students and their families about their:

                1. Preferences for further study                2. Preferences for career and work                3. How to learn & study more effectively to get the best out of their education


The quizzes fall into the following categories:

  • Employability     
  • Job Interview
  • Learn-Ability
  • Learning & Career Pathway
  • Learning Styles
  • Pathway Validation & Portfolio


To get started, click on the link below or copy and paste into your web browser.  Complete the 'My Personal Details' section only on the registration form then press submit.   Ensure a tick is recorded next to the completed quiz on the main page before you move onto the next quiz.,2,3,4,5,6,7,9


The Victorian Senior Secondary Certificates are changing in 2023!

From 2023 there will be more senior secondary certificate options for students in Victorian schools enabling all student’s access to the pathways that will set them up for a successful post school transition.

Students will be able to choose between the VCE and the new VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM). Vocational and applied learning (VAL) is deeply embedded into the VCE VM stream; connecting students to life outside the classroom, giving them more independence and motivating them to become responsible for their own learning.  Students will be able to apply skills and knowledge in practical settings.

The VCE Vocation Major (VCE VM):

  • Is a new program within the VCE replacing Intermediate & Senior VCAL from 2023
  • Sets students up to thrive in a modern economy by providing a holistic education through the development of technical, employability and social skills, including a nationally accredited qualification through the stud of a Vocational Education & Training (VET) course 
  • Integrates the best elements from the VCE and VCAL ensuring Victorian students have access to high quality vocational and applied learning pathways
  • Supports the further development of key attributes and skills required for the 21st century including:
    • Collaboration and teamwork
    • Self-motivation and time management
    • Creative thinking
    • Problem solving
  • Prepares students to successfully transition into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training, university (through non ATAR pathways) or directly into employment
  • Access to some VCE units as part of their personalised VCE VM program
  • Study a VET certificate utilising the skills and knowledge for particular careers through the development of:
    • Learning real life work skills
    • Applying theory to practice
    • Achieving a nationally recognised qualification whilst at school
    • Getting a head start into a career pathway straight from school
    • Ability to get a job in an area of interest whilst continuing further study

Students currently in Year 10, we recommend seeking further advice from Pathways to discuss the most suitable pathway for 2023!  (refer to flyer)


Yr11 Pathways Counselling

Yr11 individual Pathways counselling began this term with all sessions in Pathways. Students are advised to regularly check their Compass schedule for their session date and time and teams messages for reminders.


Yr12 University Clinical Aptitude Test Information

  The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) for Direct Entry Medicine at Monash University and interstate university Medicine, Dentistry & Oral health courses. 


The UCAT is also a requirement for many Universities across Australia + New Zealand

  • Open from 1st March until the 17th May 2022
  • Testing starts on 1st July until 12th August
  • Results delivered to Universities early September
  • Register, enrol and book your UCAT assessment please click on the following link

Work Experience

Work Experience participation is optional at VSC, however we strongly encourage all students aged 15yrs + to get involved in this very beneficial and rewarding program.  Students can undertake Work Experience every year up until they graduate VSC.

Work Experience provides young people with a taste of the real world of work and a clearer understanding of a particular industry or business they may be interested in pursuing in the future.  It assists in career discovery and exploration, goal setting and decision making whilst preparing students for VCE, future tertiary studies, apprenticeship/traineeships or full time work.

There are no designated time frames for students to complete placements as we believe a flexible delivery arrangement provides students with a better opportunity to meet the availability and operational time frames of businesses and industries within the community. This also means we are not competing with other local schools which can limit student’s opportunities. 

Placement dates are arranged through consultation and negotiation between the employer, school and student to maximise the experience.  Speak to Pathways today and collect the Preparing for the Workplace Work Experience pack.