Principal's Report 

Vermont Secondary College


There have been a lot of fantastic student achievements over the last few months stemming from the 2021 VCE results and competitions held towards the end of last year and below is an acknowledgement of these achivements. 


Gilda Ferrie, Year 12 2021 - VCE Top Acts 


On 21st March, Gilda Ferrie, who completed Music Performance (violin) and Year 12 in 2021, performed at The Recital Centre as part of the VCE Season of Excellence. Top Acts showcases extraordinary performances by VCE musicians, and Gilda gave a stunning solo performance of Bloch’s Nigun.


Gilda recently returned from the USA after a series of violin/music conservatory auditions and was thrilled to be offered a number of scholarships, including one of the nation’s most prestigious awards, The Stamps Scholarship at The Frost School of Music, University of Miami. 

Gilda will move to Chapel Hill, North Carolina in July, after accepting The Kenan Scholarship at UNC.


Prior to departing for the USA, Gilda will perform the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in D Op.35 with The Maroondah Symphony Orchestra on June 26th, at The George Wood Performing Arts Centre, Yarra Valley Grammar



Gabby Edwards, Year 12 2021 – VCE Top Shots


Congratulations to Gabby Edwards has been shortlisted for her artwork in which Gabby produced a folio exploring identity & gender, using collage, photography and ultimately digital projection. It will be interesting to see her exhibit/art work displayed. Thank you to her teacher, Kelly Stals, who will attend the opening of Top Shots on Saturday 28th May.


Ben Hamilton, Year 11 2021 & Felicity Siegenthaler, Year 12 2021 - VCE Top Acts


After performing to an extremely high level in their end of year VCE Year 12 drama solo both Ben and Felicity were invited to audition for the VCE Drama Top Acts. This is a fantastic achievement and the school congratulates them both for being invited to this occasion.


Ben became ‘the performer’, a character embodying all of the hope, crushing rejection and immense resilience of the world of Broadway actors. His solo cleverly referenced iconic musical theatre moments as it told the story of the film ‘Victor/Victoria’, explored how deeply rooted gender roles are in the theatre community and painted a picture of a world of opportunity for theatre beyond the binaries of gender. His performance seamlessly utilised the many conventions of Musical Theatre by creating and recreating famous dance sequences, bursting spontaneously into song and featuring show-stopping performance moments, such as ending his piece in his trademark jump into splits. Additionally, his layered costume and clever use of four blocks, each featuring pronouns to show the restrictive nature of gender in a theatrical context, showed his originality and immense understanding of symbolism.


Felicity transformed into Brains, a member of the rescue team from the TV Series Thunderbirds, and skilfully created a piece that used physical theatre styles to recreate rescue missions from the TV show, real life rescues with heroic endings and an entirely new ‘episode’ of the show where she saved the Australian Army from an impending space threat. She nailed the physicality of this solo, using exaggerated movements and a clever use of sound to bring the whole world of Thunderbirds to life, even down to the Palm Trees parting and pool sliding back to reveal their vehicles. She also used a costume reminiscent of a Girl Scout’s uniform to symbolise the blood, sweat and tears that go into every heroic rescue, and the toll that heroic actions can take on those involved.


Thank you to Victoria Adams, Classroom Drama & Music Leader/Production Director for her summary of their performances.


Well done to Ben and Felicity on their drama achievements last year and in being invited to the State auditions.


Premiers Spirit of Anzac Prize 2021 presentation event – 1 April 2022 – Sophie Edis and Jeremy Firman

Jeremy Firman Year 12 – During the lockdown period of 2021, I became aware of a competition for Victorian secondary students called The Spirit of Anzac. Organised by the Department of Veterans Affairs. It required entrants to capture, through some artistic piece of personal choice, the Spirit of Anzac and draw a connection with the contemporary challenges individuals across Victoria and the world were facing, and the suffering that communities were going through because of the Coronavirus and lockdowns.


The poem I submitted was about sharing personal stories and un-burdening yourself and the benefit that provides for those sharing, receiving these stories as well as communities. 


I wanted to highlight the depths of despair that many people were feeling during the lockdown and find parallels with the spirit of resilience that soldiers fighting in Anzac powerfully demonstrated. I also wanted to draw a connection between sad and senseless death - a phenomenon that humans have experienced throughout the ages -   despite all the technological advances of weaponry and the medical technological advances of the 21st and 22 centuries, which at some level, we expect to render us immune ( to death). 

This, in turn, reflects the enduring spirit of hope that threads through human history. 



The poem I submitted was called Where Heaven Meets the Deep. I was fortunate enough to be one of 40 prize entrances from schools all across Victoria. The awards ceremony took place, appropriately, at the Shrine of Remembrance on St Kilda Road.


 Five exceptional pieces of work were chosen to be showcased at that occasion and I was incredibly impressed by the caliber of the works. People submitted musical compositions, artistic representations, poems, documentary films, and short films. As part of a competition, we needed to outline our intent behind the work.


Most humbling for me was the opening Welcome to Country, which was held by the legendary indigenous elder, Uncle Mick. The poignancy of an indigenous person of such dignity welcomed a group of Aussie school students from across Victoria and congratulated them on works that reflected the Western efforts at war and ensuing suffering was not lost on me. He spoke, not formally, but through compelling stories, which highlighted to me the importance and the power of authentic communication.


I’d like to thank Mr Jacobs and the school for allowing me to attend this incredibly humbling awards ceremony on a Friday afternoon on the 1 April.

Sophie Edis Year 10 - I’d like to thank Mrs Stals for giving me the opportunity to create this meaningful painting of Ted Young. He is a war veteran who has been sharing his experiences of his WW2 service with the school for a number of years. I chose to show him at the time of his active service and also incorporated a poppy field to represent the memory of people lost in service of our country. 


After creating the painting, Mrs Stals informed me of a Scholarship opportunity called the Spirit of Anzac Prize. The scholarship was open to students from years 9 – 11 and required entrants to share a submission which reflected their understanding of the service and sacrifice of veterans. I was fortunate enough to be one of the 40 recipients of the scholarship last year along with another Vermont student, Jeremy Firman, Year 12. 

An awards ceremony was held at the Shrine of Remembrance on the 1st of April, where each of the recipients were presented with a certificate by the Minister of Veterans, Shaun Lean MP. The ceremony included a Welcome to County by Bunurong elder, Uncle Mik Edwards. Several of the recipients presented their submissions which included poetry, music composition, video, and a woven artwork. This was a very valuable experience, and this scholarship will help me in furthering my opportunities in art in the future. 



On Thursday 28th April, at our first Senior and Junior college assembly for the year, we had the great pleasure of celebrating and acknowledging the outstanding performance of students from the VCE class of 2021. It was a wonderful opportunity to present these outstanding students to the entire college community of students and staff.


Firstly – The following students attained the highest Study score in 2021 at the College in the following subjects:


Juen FohBiology50
Nikith KanduriCSD41
Ashleigh HubberDrama47
Sean RamirezFood Studies42
Karina SmithLegal Studies41
Caitlin PunithanPhysical Education46
Bianca JohnstonPSY46
Caitlin ChampionStudio Arts41
Amelia MooreVisual Communication & Design47

The next award was presented to Ben Kelly who achieved the highest VCE Study Score in two subjects at the college in 2021

Ben Kelly

Global Politics




Multiple recipients (same study score in 2021) with the highest VCE Study Score in a subject

Ben Kelly

Ezra Liu

Alex Jones


Global Politics




Atriya Varahrami

Kingston Wu

Business Management



Mitchell Cann

Kayla Ho

English Language



Ryan Campbell

Ruby Frostick




The following awards were presented to the students who have received ATARs that place them within the top 5% (95 and above) in the state. Some of these students also achieved one or more of the highest study scores in a subject for 2021.


Students who achieved an ATAR within the top 5% of the state 


 ATAR2021 Highest Study Score achieved inSubjects with Study ScoreSubject done in 2020
Alanah Khor




ELA 38

FRE 36

FMA 41

MME 32

PSY 39

LEG 38
Ezra Liu



GPO 40

ECO 40

ENG 44

LEG 38

MME 29

ACC 37


Students who achieved an ATAR within the top 4% (96 and above) of the state 


 ATAR2021 Highest Study Score achieved inSubjects with Study ScoreSubject done in 2020
Felicity Siegenthaler




DRA 42

LIT 36

SMA 30

MME 36

PSY 44

BMG 45

Emme Duncan



HHD 45

OES 47

FRE 32

FMA 39

ENG 38

PSY 42
Nicole Lam



EAL 44

BIO 38

CHE 33

FRE 36

MME 34

ACC 37
Joshua Batties



ACC 45

ENG 39

FMA 43

MME 35

PHY 41

ECO 40
Jeremy Garlick




CHE 34

ENG 39

SMA 35

MME 39

PHY 37

ACC 40
Ruby Frostick



LIT 40

DRA 35

ELA 41

FRE 37

FMA 37

PSY 40
Christo Abraham



ECO 49

CHE 36

ELA 39

MME 28

PHY 38

ACC 35

Students who achieved an ATAR within the top 3% (97 and above) of the state 


 ATAR2021 Highest Study Score achieved inSubjects with Study ScoreSubject done in 2020
Atriya Varahrami



BMG 49

BIO 42

CHE 38

MME 32

ENG 40

PSY 42
Christopher Farrell




BIO 40

CHE 41

ENG 40

SMA 31

MME 39

IND 39

Mike Yong




CHE 39

ECO 46

ENG 41

GER 34

MME 36

BIO 43
Liuyang You




BIO 37

CHE 43

ELA 30

SMA 41

MME 46

Sophie Lawton




BIO 46

CHE 40

ENG 41

FMA 43

MME 38

PSY 44


Students who achieved an ATAR within the top 2% (98 and above) of the state 


 ATAR2021 Highest Study Score achieved inSubjects with Study ScoreSubject done in 2020
Kingston Wu



FMA 49

BMG 49

ENG 37

SMA 31

MME 39

ACC 39
Celine Wang



VCD 47

ACC 40

CHE 41

ENG 42

MME 40

PSY 43
Lachlan Casey




CHE 38

ELA 31

SMA 41

MME 40

PHY 46

ACC 37
Kayla Ho



ELA 46

FRE 42

GEO 43

BIO 39

FMA 34

PSY 41



Students who achieved an ATAR within the top 1% of the state 


 ATAR2021 Highest Study Score achieved inSubjects with Study ScoreSubject done in 2020
Thomas Pugh




ELA 37

FRE 35

MME 43

SMA 44

PHY 42

Alannah Dawson




BIO 46

CHE 40

ENG 46

GER 35

MME 39

PSY 50
Lawrence Allison



MME 50

PHY 48

SMA 45

CHE 42

ELA 35

CSD 35


The VSC Dux of 2021 for Vermont Secondary College went to -


 ATAR2021 Highest Study Score achieved inSubjects with Study ScoreSubject done in 2020
Mitchell Cann



CHE 46

GER 49 

ELA 46

SMA 44

MME 45


BIO 50


99.95 is a perfect study score, well done Mitch on this outstanding achievement!


Also at the senior assembly our 2021 School Captains, Jin Liang (Mike) Yong and Ellie Ryan (unfortunately unable to attend) were awarded the Deakin Shield for significant contribution to the college in their key leadership role. The Deakin Shield, presented by the Hon Michael Sukkar MP, is an annual award and we thank Michael for his attendance and time.


Well done to all award winners and we wish you and all 2021 VCE students every success in the future.



On Sunday 24th April I had the honour of watching the Vermont Secondary College marching band play at the annual Ringwood RSL ANZAC Day ceremony. 

The band, led by Ben Muddyman, marched from the west of the Ringwood shops and along Maroondah Highway to the clock tower for the official ANZAC Day ceremony. 

Our marching band were then seated at the base of the clock tower where they played the New Zealand and Australian national anthems as a part of the official ceremony. 

At the conclusion of the ceremony, they again took up the rear of the parade marching and playing through to the Ringwood RSL. 

Vermont was one of only two bands on the day, bookending the parade, and we thank the Ringwood RSL for this fantastic opportunity.


Thank you to Ben for the many, many hours he has spent rehearsing with the band, to Khristian for organising our involvement in the event and to Jeremy Shannon for all his support of Ben and the band on the day. 

Thank you to the School Captains, Mandela Russell & Zac Port, for leading the marching band alongside Ben. 

Well done to all students involved and thank you for supporting the college – you did the college, and yourselves proud. 

Thank you also to the many parents who also supported the school, and their child, on the day. 

Greatly appreciated and we look forward to other opportunities to display your talents as well as next year.




On Monday I had the honour of attending the 10th Field Ambulance Associations AGM/ luncheon at the Oakleigh RSL as a part of our association/link between returned service men and women and schools to keep the memory of past service alive.


Our school’s association with the 10th Field Ambulance Association goes back many years and, on the day, I was able to take along Ted Young’s portrait painted by Sophie Edis (year 10) to show Ted and all the family members attending. The portrait was extremely well received by all. Sophie was a recipient of the Premier’s Spirit of Anzac Prize for this fantastic portrait. Ted, now 96, was extremely pleased to see the portrait and we are currently organising a copy for him.

Ted Young of the 10th Australian Field Ambulance – painting by Sophie Edis Year 10. See Sophie’s account of this experience further on in this article.

I thank the 10th Field Ambulance Association for inviting me on Monday and I look forward to our continued association.