Chaplain's Chat  & Student Welfare 

Journey Tracks Program 

In early March, the Journey Tracks Program was held over a number of days for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders youth, 10-18 year olds, who live or study in Knox and Maroondah. The workshops were organized by Vanessa Murdoch, the Aboriginal Health Promotions Officer from EACH. This was a wonderful opportunity for those who participated to connect with other First Nations youth, to strengthen their cultural identity and knowledge and discover how they can be leaders in their community. Mitchell Wilkins (Grade 5) and Odern Wright (Grade 4) both attended the Program.


During the day attendees did cultural activities, participated in yarning circles, heard from indigenous leaders and mentors and were given many opportunities to connect with the other youth present. Mitch and Odern thoroughly enjoyed the day, both giving it a score of 10 out of 10. Their favorite activity was learning some cultural dances, which included dances depicting Australian animals, including the emu, kangaroo and eagle (Bunjil). Both boys enjoyed spending time with each other as well as meeting other First Nations students from other schools. 


On Tuesday March 22, there was a celebration where all those who attended the workshops came together at Karralyka Centre to share their experiences of the workshop days and to be presented with a certificate. Mitch was the only Primary School student who shared, speaking in front of the audience about how much he enjoyed the dancing, and even giving a short demonstration! 


We look forward to further opportunities being provided for our First Nations students to meet with other students from our community. 


Sarah McIntosh
