Sports News

Athletics Day and Cross Country 

We had our amazing Athletics Day for our 3-6’ers and our whole school Cross Country at BHPS this year using our amazing ovals and facilities around our school. It was fabulous to have so many families coming to watch and support their children! What an amazing job they all did!


Thank you so very much to the enthusiastic 49 helpers who volunteered their time to help with running events, collating data, presenting ribbons and standing on the course to ensure the safety of our students. I couldn’t have done it without you and I appreciate your help and enthusiasm on the day. Students who have made the District teams for both Cross Country and Athletics for Years 3-6 will be notified by me early next week. Well done everyone! I look forward to many more fun sporting events in Term 2. 


Mrs Russell

Year 3-6 Gymnastics Incursion

All Grade 3-6’s in week 10 last Term participated in a Gymnastics Incursion during their PE time. Students had a blast practicing new skills such as; hand stands and flipping over a bar. It was wonderful to see students learning new skills and perfecting already known skills with their peers. Well done on a fun and exciting week in PE seniors!



Taylah Russell

Health & Physical Education Teacher