School News


In the final week of Term 1, our Grade 6 leaders had the opportunity to attend an ANZAC Commemoration Service held by the Rotary Club of Boronia at the Tim Neville Arboretum.

One of the speakers, Anthony McAleer OAM, used his storytelling skills to share with the attendees the experience of a 16 year old boy, by the name of Ernest Pearson, who had enlisted in World War 1. Students got a close up view of the bugle played by Ernest, as well as a demonstration of its sound. 


Musical performances by local school students were followed by laying of wreaths at the War Memorial in the park. Our school captains, Maggie and Matthew, laid a wreath on behalf of Boronia Heights Primary School. At the conclusion of the event, all students were given the chance to walk through the Memorial and take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made by those who served in the conflicts in which Australia has been involved.