Student Awards
Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:
Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.
Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.
PA | Ava Maddern | For trying very hard with her learning this week | Florence Hunting |
PB | Kobie Morrison | For trying really hard with her handwriting | Elsie Collins |
PC | Taleah Stallbaum | For striving to achieve her best when writing | Violet Bell |
1A | Aria Hodor | For her determination and understanding in sharing and identifying remainders | Lennon Stevens |
1B | William Ogle | For his enthusiastic approach to learning William always tries his best and is always eager to increase his knowledge | Aiden Schilling |
1C | Angus Graham | For an excellent Recount about the Year 1 swimming program | Logan Thomas |
1D | Logan Pitts | For being a learner by successfully solving sharing problems using the array strategy | Georgia Balmer |
2A | George Smith | For always displaying the traits of a focused Learner Working hard in all areas to produce his best work | Aidan Patterson |
2B | Katie Bakes | For her fantastic effort when writing a realistic fiction text | Anhad Kandohla |
2C | Wren O’connell | For always taking pride in her work and putting in her best effort for all subjects | Dion Blanc |
3A | Chloe Cosham | For her persistence and hard work towards all her learning tasks | Chase Morgan |
3B | Maxwell McLeod | For being self motivated and completing tasks to the best of his ability | Elijah Moreland |
3C | Oscar Knox | For being responsible to solve problems both inside and outside the classroom | Addison Lim |
4A | Brenna Palser | For approaching each day with enthusiasm, cheerfulness and a willingness to always do her best | Jack Kowalczyk |
4B | Caiden Woller | For collecting and using informative quotes from his peers for his persuasive text | Lachlan Robertson |
4C | Oakley Morgan | For working exceptionally hard throughout all tasks and completing them to a high standard | Leigh Wilson-Collins |
5A | Zachary Topp | For demonstrating responsibility and positive learning behaviours by using his initiative | Callum Woods |
5B | Evan Rapetti | For taking on feedback and working hard to complete his 2023 Leadership Application | Tristan Allum |
5C | Emily Wilkie | For approaching everyday with enthusiasm, cheerfulness and demonstrating positive learning behaviours | Tyson Boffey |
6A | Seth Abela | For developing interesting ideas for the up-coming poetry unit | Jack Treweek |
6B | Charlotte Graf | For her outstanding improvement on the SNMY Multiplication Assessment | Jack Mora |
6C | Tiriki Patten | For sharing his vocabulary knowledge during reading discussions | Pania Kire |