Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:


Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.


Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.


PAAva MaddernFor trying very hard with her learning this weekFlorence Hunting
PBKobie MorrisonFor trying really hard with her handwritingElsie Collins 
PCTaleah StallbaumFor striving to achieve her best when writing  Violet Bell 
1AAria Hodor For her determination and understanding in sharing and identifying remaindersLennon Stevens
1BWilliam OgleFor his enthusiastic approach to learning  William always tries his best and is always eager to increase his knowledge  Aiden Schilling
1CAngus GrahamFor an excellent Recount about the Year 1 swimming programLogan Thomas
1DLogan PittsFor being a learner by successfully solving sharing problems using the array strategy Georgia Balmer
2AGeorge SmithFor always displaying the traits of a focused Learner  Working hard in all areas to produce his best work Aidan Patterson
2BKatie BakesFor her fantastic effort when writing a realistic fiction text Anhad Kandohla
2CWren O’connellFor always taking pride in her work and putting in her best effort for all subjects  Dion Blanc
3AChloe CoshamFor her persistence and hard work towards all her learning tasksChase Morgan
3BMaxwell McLeodFor being self motivated and completing tasks to the best of his ability  Elijah Moreland 
3COscar Knox For being responsible to solve problems both inside and outside the classroomAddison Lim 
4ABrenna PalserFor approaching each day with enthusiasm, cheerfulness and a willingness to always do her best Jack Kowalczyk
4BCaiden WollerFor collecting and using  informative quotes from his peers for his persuasive text Lachlan Robertson
4COakley MorganFor working exceptionally hard throughout all tasks and completing them to a high standard Leigh Wilson-Collins
5AZachary ToppFor demonstrating responsibility and positive learning behaviours by using his initiative Callum Woods
5BEvan Rapetti For taking on feedback and working hard to complete his 2023 Leadership Application Tristan Allum 
5CEmily WilkieFor approaching everyday with enthusiasm, cheerfulness and demonstrating positive learning behaviours Tyson Boffey
6ASeth AbelaFor developing interesting ideas for the up-coming poetry unit Jack Treweek
6BCharlotte GrafFor her outstanding improvement on the SNMY Multiplication  Assessment  Jack Mora
6CTiriki PattenFor sharing his vocabulary knowledge during reading discussions  Pania Kire