From the Principal

Shannon Correll

To the wonderful St Brigid's Community,


So much has been happening around the school over the last few weeks. We have recently advertised for an Assistant Principal and once the process is completed I will happily share the news with you all. Whilst we will all miss Ms Elmassih, we are excited for her future in running Xavier College Evanston Campus.


Our School Quality Performance Team have been reflecting upon the school's achievements this year and setting new strategic directions for 2023. We have used the surveys parents completed for their satisfaction in the school, an overview of the Pulse Survey the students complete each term and the ESCI data we obtained from 2021, but received the results this year.  One thing that has been evident in all the surveys is that our students want more of a voice in their learning. So our 2023 strategic direction will include aspects of student's voice in the running of the school.


​Student voice acknowledges that students have unique perspectives on learning, teaching, and schooling, and should have the opportunity to actively shape their own education.


Student voice involves students actively participating in their schools, communities and the education system, contributing to decision making processes and collectively influencing outcomes by putting forward their views, concerns and ideas.


We are looking forward to the many possibilities our students can support us in providing their thoughts and ideas into the running of the school.


The last few weeks we have been enrolling students. This is such an amazing opportunity for our school and we are able to have 1 more class than we had this year. We will still be keeping our classes small and below the recommended number, and  your children will still receive the best education, but we are excited to welcome more families into our wonderful community.


Our Flourishing Heart Program run by Ms Pauline has certainly supported the transition of many new students into our school. We will continue with this program in 2023, supporting our new students into developing a better understanding of how schools run, what the expectations are at St Brigid's School and to see how much fun we have!


If you do know of anyone who is turning 5 next year, please don't hesitate to let us know and we will make contact with them to support enrolment into our school.


Let's hope that's it for the storms and we start having some of that warmer (not too warm) weather soon.


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning

Shannon Correll
