School News
Being Sunsmart
With the warmer weather finally upon us, some reminders for families:
Outdoor activities – all outdoor activities are cancelled once the temperature reaches 36 degrees, unless in the shade.
Hats - sun safe school hats must been worn at all times during outdoor activities, unless in the shade.
Sunscreen – Our SunSmart policy states that students should supply their own sunscreen, due to the many allergies students have, and teachers will implement strategies to remind students to reapply throughout the day. Parents should ensure that students have applied sunscreen before coming to school so that one reapplication at about the middle of the day should cover the rest of the school day. Please note that our staff do not apply sunscreen to children. Each class has a backup bottle of sunscreen for students to use if they don't have any of their own
Water bottles – there is limited access to drinking water due to water fountains being deactivated due to COVID restrictions. Please make sure your child brings a water bottle or 2 to school. Water only!