Student Wellbeing

As we approach the end of the year and senior students are finishing exams and entering commencement classes we are reminded that we still need to keep working right to the end of term, finish off assessments and prepare appropriately for 2023.
For the younger members of our community it also means that we finish off the year in a positive way with both our work and our friendships.
We still have much to do…
Elections for Student Leaders for 2023
With appointment of our 2023 Senior Student Leadership Team including the Lamp Bearers and Student Representative Council the Year 8 to 11 levels are in the process of electing their representatives for 2023.
This process, with the encouragement of the student leaders, has slightly changed this year with elections for both Student Representative Council and House Captains taking place by a ballot via Survey Monkey.
With students not being identified by name but by their written application that highlights why they would be a good candidate for the role, many more students have had the confidence to apply. They have recognised that this process is not focused on a popularity vote but a vote for the best candidate.
We have been very encouraged by this response as it shows that students do want to take on a leadership role at all levels, represent their peers and work at making a difference for our community.
In further editions of the Marian News, we will identify the student leadership groups for 2023.
Child Safety Standards – the ongoing work in this space
We inform all families that we will be completing and analysis and review of our Child Safety register with a view to update it where necessary. This is important task as we constantly look at our Child Safety practices to ensure that we are doing all that we can to keep the students and young people in our care safe at all times.
Uniform Reminders
A reminder to families that Year 10 students will be required to change their jumper from the blue to the red option in line with entering the senior school.
We are working with our uniform supplier to bring about some improvements to the PE uniform in 2023. Once the consultation process has been completed with the uniform supplier we will give our community an update on what these changes are.
We remind all families that the uniform shop is open on Wednesday and Friday between 10.00 am and 1.30 pm to purchase items and be prepared for 2023.
Canteen Update
We are also in the process of reviewing the Canteen. This will involve looking at both the menu that is offered and the ways in which students and families may be able to access the service moving towards a cashless or debit option for 2023. Students could still access the service with cash but also have other options in regards to paying.
We look forward in the next edition of the Marian of giving you an update on the progress in this space.
We know that a healthy diet is one of the many ways that we can support our young people in their wellbeing and their learning.
BIG Day Out for 2022
This year our Year 7-9 cohort will be attending Funfields at Whittlesea on Monday 5 December. We are in the process of organising this event and an Operoo will be sent soon to all of our families from Years 7 to 9 explaining the details of the day. We can only hope that the weather on this day is a little kinder than it has been of late with only sunshine and no rain.
Kerrie Williams
Assistant to the Principal – Student Wellbeing