
Prayer for a Just Climate
God of Creation,
You created night and day.
You separated the sea from the sky.
You gave life to all living creatures and saw that it was good.
Help us to reconnect with the majesty of your creation.
God of Love,
Fill us with your love for all creation.
Empty us of apathy, selfishness and fear.
Inspire us to live simply and in harmony with creation.
Help us to be good stewards, caring for all creation
with self-sacrificing and nurturing love.
God of Compassion,
Breathe into us solidarity with all who suffer now and the future generations who will suffer because of our environmental irresponsibility.
Help us to put people before profit
and ‘being’ before ‘having’.
God of Justice,
Empower us to work together as one global community
To find creative and just solutions to protect those most vulnerable in our world,
and all of creation for future generations.
Move us into action for climate justice and to restore your creation.
(Caritas Australia)
Image: Autumn HD Wallpaper. Valiphotos. Permission to use via Pexel Images.