Principal's Message

Dear Parents,


Last week our Years 4, 5 and 6 students ventured to Urban camp where they explored and experienced some wonderful city sights and activities. I trust our senior students came home Friday full of stories of a wonderful camping experience. I would like to say a huge thank you to the camp staff who cared, supported and nurtured every student in their care throughout the three days. It was a privilege to attend camp overnight on Thursday and to spend time with our wonderful students who were simply amazing throughout the whole experience. 


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Camps are so important for students in building dispositions in particular resilience, a sense of adventure and building executive functioning skills with all of the decisions, organisation and the following of complex instructions that occur navigating through the city. School camp is the place where social skills grow and develop. Most activities at camp involve team work, communication and listening.  Students interact with adults and students they may not normally mix with providing a wonderful environment for so many learning experiences.


This week we see another example of building important dispositions such as confidence, resilience, creativity and building important collaborative team building skills in our school concert. The performing arts encourages children to explore their emotions, expand their imagination and helps them develop their own, unique voice. Each discipline of music, dance and drama engage a child's brain, body and emotions in different ways to encourage their confidence and find joy in self-expression. A huge thanks to Sue, Kate, Ellen and all involved with the concert. I look forward to seeing it all in action this Wednesday at George Jenkins theatre. 


Finally, I would like to congratulate our wonderful parents and friends on a brilliant Trivia night result. We raised $8541.00 profit. Funds raised will go to our upgrade of the oval playground.


What a great community!


Yours in Partnership,
