Parents & Friends' (PFA) 

No doubt all the Year 3-4 parents are looking forward to hearing all about the excitement of their child's first camp. It was certainly an excited farewell as everyone boarded the bus Thursday. Our thoughts go with the teachers .


Just a few reminders for our last events this year:


Election Day 26th November you can vote at the school. Stay for sausages and the cake stall afterward! Cakes can be dropped off early Saturday morning at the stall with a list of ingredients attached please. We have a full roster for the morning but could use a few more hands to help finish up from 1.00pm. If you are able to help and have not booked in on the roster please contact Rosaline or Matthew to let us know you are interested.


Let’s see St Anthony's win the best democracy sausage!! ( )


PFA Meeting and Annual General Meeting (AGM) are on Tuesday 29th November. The regular meeting will be at 7:30pm before the AGM at 8.00pm, in person at the Padua Pavilion. The AGM will include electing a new committee for next year. 


The following committee members to be elected:

● President (or Co-Presidents)

● Vice President (where there are Co-Presidents, optional)

● Secretary

● Treasurer


The objectives of the PFA as per St. Anthony’s Parents and Friends' Association Constitution are:


● To assist the welcoming of new families and to encourage social interaction between all members of the school community.


● To foster and develop the interest, participation and contribution by the Parents and Friends' to the wellbeing of the school and parish of St Anthony’s.


● To provide social activities for all families.


● To assist with activities for the advancement of the school.


● To raise funds to provide and enhance facilities and resources that will benefit the students in consideration of the school master plan.


● To work in cooperation with the Parish Education Board and School Advisory Council.


In addition to the required roles we also include Class Liaisons to help with communications and coordination of activities. Hopefully we can appoint one or two from each class for 2023.


To finish the year the PFA will be hosting the BBQ and Christmas Hamper Raffle at the Carols' Night on the12th December at the school. You will receive an email detailing how donations for the hampers may be dropped at the school.


Regards, The PFA Committee