
Digital Literacy

Students across classes this term have been focusing on the area of Design and Technology. That has meant lots of interesting topics in each of our classes! 


Year 3/4 students have been learning about all things inventions! This has meant learning about what words such as invention, innovation and patent mean. Students have unpacked the ethics of inventions, and how modern day products should be made in a way that is fair. They have thought about how inventions may have been made to solve a big problem or make life easier. They have even read through some examples of inventions happening by accident! 


As a really nice way to finish this unit students created research assignments. With these tasks there was a focus on two key elements: ensuring information found in books and on websites is rewritten in students own words and that paragraphs are used to separate ideas. This is on top of our usual focus on writing in full sentences with correct spelling and use of punctuation. 


For an added extra layer to this task we decided that students would show their information by making websites! Students uploaded their writing and included cool features such as headings, links and videos! 


Please click through to have a look at some of our students brilliant work! 

Year 3 and 4 Websites! 


Please note these are not all of our sites, we will continue to upload these next week too! 


The bus is just pulling up now so I will let you go, happy reading! 


Take care, 


Tim O'Mahoney

English Leader