Teaching and Learning

Summer Sports Day

On Monday November 21st  our Year 4-6 students attended the Campaspe Small Schools Summer Sports at the Elmore Recreation Reserve. There were three sports on offer, but all of our students elected to participate in Tennis. Mr Collins and Miss Duffy transported the students and were also "coaching" the tennis. Our students were joined by their buddies from Elmore (Primary and OLSH schools), Colbinabbin PS, Nanneella Estate PS and Goornong PS. 


Year P-3 News from Mrs Lightburn

Where has the term gone? We have been very busy in the P-3 classroom.

We have finished our sessions at Jets Gym which everyone really enjoyed as you could tell from the photos in the previous newsletter.

Last Friday was the last Kelly Sports session and the kids have learnt skills from a wide variety of sports. This is an amazing program that we were lucky enough to have had at our school.

In Maths we have finished our Topic on Chance and the children carried out different experiments to determine the possibility of things certain, likely, unlikely or impossible to happen.( Photos attached)

We concluded our Unit on Dinosaurs and learnt about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We also looked at their size and habitat and we made a booklet to take home to teach you about some of them (hope you had fun pronouncing their names) (Photos attached)

We are carrying out testing in English and Maths for end of Semester Reports at the moment so we are still hard at work.

Year 4,5,6 News from Mr Collins

In the 4-6 classroom we have taken a comprehensive delve into number patterns. During the teaching and learning sessions students have been challenged by going out to our enormous number chart and evaluating the patterns to work out exactly how it was created and how to continue it. In the coming maths sessions, the students will have a go at creating their own patterns and trying to trick the staff. 

P-3 News from Miss Coffey

On Tuesday Nov 22nd, Miss Coffey had the pleasure of teaching the P-2 children in Mrs Lightburn’s room. In Maths, we got “up close & personal” with the play money, looking at money amounts & their equivalents. For example, we worked out that 50c could be made by having a 50c piece, or 2 x 20c pieces & a 10c piece, or 5 x 10c pieces & even 10 x 5c pieces!

We also calculated the cost of certain items by counting the coins to reach a total value. 

During writing we used our Writer’s Notebook to brainstorm topics we knew lots about. We then wrote 4 facts about our chosen topic in our Writing Books to show & share our knowledge. It seems we know a lot about our recent trips to Jets Gym, Starbucks, ourselves & time! 

Isabell & Lucian have been diligently practising their weekly spelling words. Here they are writing their words on their whiteboards. 

Phew, what a productive & great day we’ve had guys, I’ve loved it! 



News from Miss Coffey


Writing with Miss Coffey (Prep-2)

During weeks 8 and 9 we have worked hard to finish writing our amazing ‘cinquain’ poems. We wrote about topics like our home, the beach and sunset. We’ve now started to write ‘haiku’ poems. Haiku Poetry is written about a chosen topic and has three lines, with each line having a set number of syllables. The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third line has 5 syllables. Counting the syllables can be tricky, so we used ‘chin drops’ to help us master this task. 

Meanwhile, check out our amazing cinquain poems below! 




Weeks 8 and 9 have seen us continuing to practise our plays (The Three Little Pigs, The Three Billy Goats Gruff and Goldilocks and the Three Bears). Each student is in a group of four and, after negotiating with their group, has chosen a role (or roles) to learn the lines for. This has been an exciting activity and the students are thoroughly enjoying learning their character’s lines, working on their character’s voices and mannerisms as well as thinking about how to act out their part for the audience. 

Kelly Sports

Last Friday saw us complete our last session with Kelly Sports for 2022. Our students have thoroughly enjoyed these Friday morning sessions and as a direct result of this program, they have been exposed to a wide variety of sports, games and activities to improve their locomotor, fine motor and ball handling skills as well as their use of equipment. A huge thank you to Coach Beau and his team for their organisation, professional coaching and friendly, approachable attitudes. We hope to be able to access this program for a period of time again next year.  


Jets Gym

Our flying fruitflies have now completed four weeks of gymnastics at Jets Gym in Golden Square. The verdict has been unanimous...... it was AWESOME!  Our kids jumped, rolled, leaped, span and tumbled- sometimes with a bit of initial trepidation, but always completed their manoeuvres with gigantic smiles on the their faces!