Moving on...

New Performers

Top Art!

Congratulations to  Isadora Anderson who has been short listed for TOP ARTS (an exhibition of the top VCE  Art works from across Victoria held at the Ian Potter NGV from March-July 2018).


If you see Isadora about town please congratulate her on this achievement.

Year 12 Graduation

On the 28th November we celebrated our year 12's graduation. More than 250 guests dined the night away on a very warn night at the Town Hall. Students arrived in style thanks to our community partner Castlemaine Hot Rods supplying some wonderful vehicles.


Graduation Evening Year 10 Steiner Class 2017

“Our highest endeavour must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. The need for imagination, a sense of truth, and a feeling of responsibility—these three forces are the very nerve of education.”             Rudolf Steiner

On Wednesday the 29th of November we held a Graduation evening for the Year 10 Steiner Class in the Music Centre at Etty St. Parents provided a beautiful selection of food and the room was festooned with fairy lights and candles. The formal part of the evening included valedictory addresses from Jett Archer and Ella Robinson that were heartfelt and powerful and made us cry; as well as words of wisdom and encouragement from Jane Sanderson, Jane Dimsey, Cole Waters and Ken Killeen. Graduands were presented with three words describing their personal qualities.




The following is an extract from Ken’s address.

This evening marks an ending. We look back on the last two years and it seems like a long time ago that we took you as children to Adelaide and now you stand before us so much more grown up. The last two years have also flown by, and it reminds me of the paradox that life is both very long and at the same time quite short and very precious. What we know and what we do with our lives is so very important but who you are as a person is much more important.  If you remember anything about this address I want you to remember this. Who you are, is how you will be measured in the long run. Who you are is the essential foundation for what you do.


And we want you also to do good things, out of yourself we want you to impart purpose and direction to your lives. We want you to be happy, but beware of pursuing happiness for its own sake. Know that there will inevitably be times when you are not happy, times when you will experience sadness and suffering. A purposeful life will see you through such times. You all indeed have a purpose. Well may you each ask yourself what your individual purpose is, but you don’t need to be overly concerned. Pursue the things you are good at and enjoy, allow fate and coincidence and synchronicity to unfold; and know that anything you do can be purposeful if it serves the needs of others and adds value in every possible direction. A purposeful life is also an optimistic life as you look forward to the exciting possibilities of the future.


Enjoy also the present, these are precious times. Be grateful for what life is currently providing including the love and support of friends and family and the educational opportunities before you. VCE will have its challenges but make the most of them. This graduation is an ending and a beginning. You are embarking on the next stage of life, do so with enthusiasm, know that effort is rewarded, seek the support of others when you need it and balance out your study with rest and recreation with your friends; and don’t be in too much of a hurry.


Those of us who know you think you are an extraordinary group of people. You are resilient, optimistic and very often unselfish. I look at you with hope. The future is in good hands. Seek the possibilities, cultivate your imaginations and take responsibility. Wonder at beauty, stand guard over truth and look up to the noble so that you will have a life with purpose and direction.