Leadership Messages
Principal Update
As the school year draws to a close, I take this opportunity to thank our school community for its support throughout 2017. It has been an historic year for CSC as we have moved to a predominantly one campus school with almost all of our students from Years 7-12 on a single campus, which continues to be rebuilt. At the start of the year we welcomed the opening of our new Engineering Building, and as the year ends we are poised to take possession of the new Performing Arts building which has been constructed over the past 9 months.
It has also been a year of change for the leadership of our school following Mary McPherson’s resignation at the end of Term One, Noel Claridge’s tenure as Interim Acting Principal in Term Two and then my commencement during the second half of the year. I thank Mary for her valuable service to our school since her appointment in 2009, and I am also grateful to Noel for stepping in and leading our school superbly during Term Two. On a personal note, I am grateful for the valuable support I have received from the school community during my first six months as Principal.
As I write this article, our Year 12 results are only a few days away from being released and we are busy determining the many awards that will be presented at our Awards Night on Wednesday 20 December. Many of our students will receive well deserved awards and other forms of recognition for their achievements this year. For those who are not as satisfied with their results, I encourage them to persevere, set new goals for the year ahead and identify people who can support them as they continue their educational journey.
Finally, I wish all members of our school community a safe and relaxing vacation period, and I look forward to seeing everyone again at the start of 2018.
Paul Frye
School Uniform
Summer is here and the warm weather has arrived! Our school uniform protects our students from the sun; shirts with collars, long sleeve light shirts and our school hat. Our uniform is also very flexible allowing students to mix and match various elements to match the weather and their preference, including gender identity inclusive. The uniform is regularly reviewed with students and next year we see the introduction of modern, gender neutral dark blue pants.
Awards Night
Next week one of CSC’s premier events, the Awards Night, will be hosted in the Town Hall, Wednesday 20th of Dec, commencing at 7.30pm. The Awards Night celebrates student achievement and hard work across many areas in our very diverse and amazing school community. Areas of acknowledgment include academic, and also extend well beyond to include leadership skills, values and ethics. Our very supportive and involved community sponsor many of the awards for our students, with some extending nearly 100 years in our school history. Students will receive an acknowledgement of an award in the mail prior to the night, inviting them to be part of the formal event. We look forward seeing you at the night.
Judith McLean
Assistant Principal
Exam Results...
Year 12 VCE results will be released to students on the 15th December from 7 am. Results will be emailed to the students via the email account they provided to the VCAA earlier in the year. If an email address was not provided, or if the email address is somehow invalid, then students can access their results online at http://www.vtac.edu.au/results-offers/y12-atar.html. A printed statement of results will also be mailed to students who have applied for courses through VTAC this year and have paid their VTAC processing fees.
Many students reconsider their tertiary course preferences after finding out their results. Students can make changes to their preferences via the VTAC portal. Many tertiary institutions provide specific advice on how to change preferences. This information is available at https://resultsandatar.wordpress.com/. Students can also book an appointment with Mr Ian Cook to explore options or seek advice regarding ideas they may have with respect to possible changes of preference.
In most cases students obtain results around what they expect. However, if a student feels that they significantly underachieved and they would like to talk to someone about it then they can contact the school and be connected with the appropriate support person.
David Watson
Leading Teacher