The Year 9 team have been very busy throughout Term 2. We have begun our City Journey program with day trips to Try a Trade for a Careers perspective, the Shrine of Remembrance as a part of the Humanities curriculum and then to the Police Museum coming up in Week 10. There has been NAPLAN testing, a Red Cross presentation around refugees and Course Counselling also on the horizon. The staff across Year 9 have has a consistent message for the students, for them to be involved and have a go at everything - don't think "what if" .
All of this starts with student attendance. As a coordinating team we have been really pleased with the students commitment to School, but there is always room for improvement, and we have been rewarding extraordinary efforts. There is more of this to come over the next few weeks and months.
There are some exciting and important things on the calendar for Year 9 and we want all students at school to experience these and much more
Rick Taig
Year 9 Leader