At the end of term 1, 64 Year 8 students were fortunate enough to go on an excursion to the bowling alley. These students were given an opportunity to participate in the excursion due to their school attendance being 100%. The excursion gave the students a break from the classroom and the ability to socialise with peers and teachers in a different setting. On the day students engaged in healthy competition between one another as well as the teachers to see who could bowl the highest score. Well done to Rhys Baker and Brooke Galley
who bowled the highest score for the boys and girls respectively. Overall all students involved in the excursion thoroughly enjoyed themselves which was pleasing . As a year 8 team we will again be running rewards excursions throughout Semester 2 to give more students an opportunity to be recognized for continually doing the right thing at our College.
Chris Bowen
Year 8 Leader