On Wednesday 2nd May, 140 students from Year 7 went on the Summit Camp. During the camp students participated in a variety of physical activities designed to build on team work, cooperation and provide them with adventure.
Some of the activities were:
The Cave - climbing through a dark underground man made cave
Rock Climbing - climbing up a 10m wall
The Leap of Faith - climbing up 10 metres then jumping out 1.5 metres to grab a pole
The Monster Course - Each group completed a Commando style course against the clock
Every student demonstrated the capacity to push beyond their own personal limits as the activities are designed to push them out of their comfort zones. At the end of the camp one student from each group was voted as the one who pushed themselves the most. This led to them hopping in an old tank and going for a ride around the tank track.
All students gained a positive experience and found that they can push themselves a little harder than they thought.
Finally, a big thank you goes to all the staff who helped support the three day camp, the students really appreciated having you there with them.
Mr Nigel Adkin
Year 7 Leader