SYN FM Live Radio

Year 12 VCAL

On the Monday, 1 April, Year 12 VCAL students went to RMIT to perform on live radio for SYN FM. The project was organised by Mai Tran, Peter Nguyen, Regyn Kent and Colleen Tupo as part of their PDS complex project.


On the day two members of SYN FM trained us on what to and not to say on live radio and how to introduce our segments and music that we had chosen. Some members of the class took the roles of panel operator, producer and music producer.


In groups of 4 or 5, we scripted and planned our segments, which covered a range of topics including school uniform, interesting holidays, VCAL, gaming, self-love, school uniforms and learner drivers. We practiced our segments, received feedback and amended our sessions  Each group only had a few minutes to talk but every student had a role and we all found the experienced a great learning experience which pushed us to overcome fears of speaking live. All students expressed that they had a great day.







Mai Tran

Year 12W