Community & Communications

New Enrolments

Concord School is delighted to welcome two new students and their families. We welcome Joshua and Alex to the Bundoora Campus.

Concord Community Connections News

Thank you to all the families that attended the Family Planning Victoria presentation on Wednesday 16th of August. Teenage Sexuality (feelings, puberty, exploration), Cyber Safety and what is normal were some of the topics discussed. It was a great chance to catch up and receive support, guidance and advice from other families in attendance.


The presentation has been saved on Compass under School documents. Concord Community Connections are hoping to hold other informative events throughout the year. 

Jane Stacey and Karen Jordan,

Community and Communications

School Nurse

Digital Fatigue: Eye Strain and Migraines

Just like the muscles in your body, your eyes can get tired. Despite your eyes containing the strongest muscles in your body, they can become strained and fatigued by sitting in front of a computer, under fluorescent lights or in front of a TV for several hours. 


Extended hours in close-range activities such as smart phones, computer work, e-books, and hand-held gaming increases demands on your eyes and can leave you with uncomfortable and sometimes painful symptoms. Visual fatigue can also lead to reduction in productivity, ability to concentrate—and may negatively impact your vision and eye health.


Common Symptoms:


-Tired eyes

-Neck or back pain

-Burning/stinging eyes

-Difficulty focusing after extended periods of time


Digital Fatigue in Children

As technology increases and children are regularly exposed to digital screens so do the chances for experiencing digital and visual fatigue and possible implications on their vision. An alarming increase in reported childhood nearsightedness is undeniably linked to the usage of video games.

Not only are children spending too much time in front of  digital screens, they are sitting too close to the screens as well, leading to visual fatigue. Eye doctors recommend the 20-20-20 rule. Take a break once every 20 minutes and focus on something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This can alleviate eyestrain and work the eye muscles that are not being used while watching a digital screen.

It is equally important to make sure the eye gets time to relax from focusing on something up close. Spending time outdoors in natural light and looking at things from a distance relaxes the eyes and relieves visual fatigue as well.


Migraines and Vision — Ocular Migraines and the Connection between Headaches and Eyes

Not all migraines are the same. A throbbing, pounding head ache, potentially complicated with nausea and sensitivity to light and noise are not uncommon complaints. Visual symptoms like wavy lines, flashing dots, and temporary blindness can be the first sign of a migraine. Retinal or ocular migraines can occur with or without an accompanying headache, but they can still be just as painful.


While regular migraines can affect vision in both eyes, retinal or ocular migraines only involve one eye. Ocular migraine sufferers typically have a family history of migraine headaches.


What causes headaches behind the eyes? 

While stress, eyestrain, and lack of sleep can lead to a headache behind the eyes, a frequent cause of this common problem is actual eye problems such as astigmatism, presbyopia and far-sightedness. These problems left uncorrected, cause habitual squinting and put stress on the eyes, which puts tension on the eye muscles, resulting in a headache.


How to treat migraines​: 

The visual symptoms of ocular migraines are usually harmless and resolve on their own within a half hour. The associated headache, unfortunately, could last for several hours or even days. Rest is your first course of action, followed by consultation with your physician about migraine treatment and prevention.

If you experience unusual vision symptoms, you should schedule a comprehensive eye exam with an optometrist or ophthalmologist to rule out vision-threatening conditions such as a detached retina.

Having an annual comprehensive eye exam is the most important thing you can do to prevent or treat vision problems.




For more information on eye strain visit



Keep Well & Stay Safe


Rosemary Van Aperen,

School Nurse

Meet The Staff

In this edition of 'Meet the Staff' we speak with: Ebony Warner

What is your role at Concord School:

Education Support (ES) in Upper Primary.


 What do you love most about working at Concord School?

I get to watch the students be the best that they can be every day and I get to work with an amazing team. I also enjoy getting an update every Monday morning from some students on how the footy went especially Richmond's results.


Fast Six


Favourite Food:  



Favourite Movie/TV Show:

Game of Thrones and Harry Potter.


Favourite music:

Ed Sheeran.


Hidden Talent or Something We May Not Know About You:

I have two pet  baby turtles.


Favourite Sporting Team/Athlete:



If You Could Pick Any 3 People as Dinner Guests, Who Would They Be and Why?

My Grandma because I miss her.

Jane Austen because she is my favorite author.

Jimmy Hendrix so he could teach me his awesome guitar riffs.