eSmart Community Engagement Program

Parent Forum - 23rd August

As part of their commitment to support school communities in being safe, smart and responsible online, The Alannah and Madeline Foundation will be facilitating a parent seminar at Melbourne Girls’ College on Tuesday August 23 at 6pm in the Auditorium. Facilitated by the experts in their eSmart Schools team, parents will be presented with all the latest trends and research about cybersafety and online behaviours. Strategies and guidelines will be discussed that relate to safe, smart and responsible uses of technology in the home.


The eSmart Schools program is a cultural change initiative developed by the Foundation in consultation with academic and industry experts. eSmart aims to create positive, respectful and inclusive cultures that reduce bullying, cyber bullying and increase cybersafety. 


We would like to thank the MGC Parents’ Association for their generous grant which has funded this program.


Tip Kennedy & Patricia Sklavakis

Assistant Principal & Year 11 Leader