Active & Alive 

School Sport

Students continue to enjoy sport each week. With the cold weather set in, the walking group spent last weeks session in the gym completing a circuit of the equipment. We are very grateful that the rest of our sports are all located undercover or indoors so we are still able to go ahead when it is raining and low temperatures.


Boccia Tournament

On Thursday, a group of students are heading to the Orange PCYC to compete in the Boccia Tournament for the Western Region. These students have been practicing during sport over the last 6 weeks and are showing some promising talent. Students will participate in a round robin competition with 5-6 games throughout the day. The winner from this competition will progress on to the state competition which will take place in Sydney later in the term. Good luck to all the students competing. We look forward to sharing the results from the day. 



Mrs Mel Said

Sports Coordinator