Spotlight On


Kathey Hayward (Itinerant Support, Hearing) delivered professional learning to our SLSOs recently so they can better support our students.

SLSOs were put through their paces, learning how to sign the alphabet, numbers and everyday school words such as 'class', 'toilet', 'sit', 'book' and 'spa' to name a few. Kathey demonstrated the signs before staff had the opportunity to check that they were doing it correctly and practice. If most of our staff and students are able to use the same signs for common words used at school, then our hearing impaired students will have more people to communicate with, thus enhancing their sense of belonging. 


If you would like to learn some Auslan at home a great, easy to use app is 'Auslan Dictionary'. If you go to the App store and download it for free you will be able to search for words and see someone signing that word in a video. 


Thank you Kathey for delivering this engaging and useful PL so we can all improve.