Technology Tips

Digital Technology @ our school


Our school uses a wide range of technology and digital equipment in classrooms and across the school. 


Each classroom will soon be receiving an upgraded interactive TV as part of the Rural Access Gap strategy. We are one of more than 1,000 rural, regional and remote schools in NSW getting a digital uplift, support and training to close the equity gap with our metro counterparts.


Mrs Cassie Lloyd, Assistant Principal will be working with teachers in classes and during their professional learning time to train them in the use of the new technologies and how to best engage students in their learning. 


We also have eye-gaze technology in classes for students who need more support to communicate. Eye-gaze control technology allows students to use movements of their eyes to operate a laptop or computer. This technology can be used for many purposes, including playing games, accessing the internet, and communicating with staff and friends.


We also have a TAPit machine in stage 6. The TAPit system provides a touch accessible interactive learning platform that supports shared occupational therapy and academic goals to become a transformative tool for therapists and educators. It minimizes barriers and maximizes flexibility by adapting to a person’s individual needs.



Ipads with programs such as Proloquo2go are also used by students to allow them to communicate their needs to staff. 


Each classroom has desktop computers, student laptops and Ipads for the students to use during class time. 


Computer Club is one of our Breakaways (lunch clubs) that is held on a Monday and Thursday lunch and supervised by our Technology Leader, Mr Dimitri Anikin. Students can express an interest to their teacher and join the club for lunchtime instead of accessing the oval at playtime. 


In the library, we have an interactive computer table where students can play games with each other. Students use many software programs at school to help with their learning. These include mathletics, minecraft, ChooseIt Maker, 


Melanie Meers
