Important Reminders



This Friday the 20th of May DPS is participating in National Walk Safely to School Day. This event aims to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport, and the Environment. We encourage all students and their families to walk to school (or part of the way) on this day and discuss the importance of road safety and awareness. 


The DPS Cafe will be running from 8-9am supplying hot drinks for $3ea.


We will also be running some activities before school for those who wish to participate. 

  1. Oval Activities – We understand that not everyone is able to walk to school, so we have organised activities around the oval from 8:30-8:50am. We encourage students (and families) to walk some laps before school starts on this day, discussing road safety and completing the fun activity stations.
  2. Once off Walking Bus – On the morning of the 20th we will have staff running a walking bus that collects students at the roundabout on the corner of Wiltshire Lane and Greenhalgh’s road. This walking bus will wait on the corner from 8:00-8:10am and will walk students to the school oval in time to participate in activities.  If you would like your students to be collected from the roundabout, please ensure they are there before 8:10. Please note that if students start with the walking bus, they will have to remain with staff the whole way to school. You will spot the school staff in yellow vests at the pick up point.  
  3. Walking School Bus – Our regular walking school bus will be running as per usual.



If you have a health care card you may be eligible for Camps Sports Excursion Fund and if you are a prep parent you may also be eligible for the State Schools Relief fund.

If you haven't completed a form please collect one from the front office.