From The Principal's Desk

Dear Parents and Carers, 


It has been a busy couple of weeks as we work our way into Term 2. The students have all settled back into their learning routines and are successfully juggling all the extracurricular activities as well. 


We appreciated the support from all families to allow the curriculum day to run on Friday May 6. These days are extremely important for the school to ensure we continue to develop our skills and the programs that run. 


COVID Guidelines

As of Monday May 23 some new COVID-safe guidelines will be in place for all schools across the state. Rapid Antigen Tests will continue to be provided to each student, however students and staff will only be required to test if they are symptomatic or identified as a close contact. The recommended twice weekly testing will end this Friday. All other guidelines will remain the same including daily RAT's for those who are identified as close contacts. We thank parents for their support to keep the school safe and healthy.


Attendance Matters

As we return to school after two years of disrupted learning, the magnifying glass is going to be well and truly on our attendance rates as we try to recover the time lost. Attending school is essential and being on time is also an important skill to instil in our children. Currently, our attendance and punctuality rates are significantly lower than pre pandemic levels and while there are reasons for this, we must set the bar high and aim to get the levels back to a point where the teaching and learning programs will have a chance to make a difference. We thank parents in advance for their support with this matter. 


School Council

Our May meeting of School Council took place on Monday evening with the following agenda items being discussed:

  • The staffing challenges have continued with the ongoing Covid restrictions in place. Our school processes are holding up well but we will continue to monitor the situation and build our list of Casual Relief Teachers to assist when times get tough.
  • The school strategic review will be taking place in Term 3 and consists of 4 main parts; a pre review self-evaluation, a validation day, two field days and a panel day. School Council was briefed on this process and the important role they will play in reflecting on the past 4 years and putting together plans for the future.
  • The Department of Education have asked all schools to conduct a common professional practice day during Term 2. This is just like a curriculum day where staff are provided a chance to work on school related tasks while students remain at home. We discussed the implications of this decision and school council agreed on the date; Tuesday June 14.
  • In terms of staffing, the school council was made aware of Scott Phillips’ resignation from the principal role at Delacombe and the Department of Education. The council was informed that the process for replacing Scott on a permanent basis would not take place until later in the year.
  • The school will undergo final asbestos removal hopefully in the next holiday period. This effectively means Delacombe PS will be asbestos free, which is fantastic news.
  • The final stadium defect audit was discussed and the council was informed about the timeline for repairs. Unfortunately the senior playground has struck another delay with the deadline now being pushed out a few weeks.
  • A Teaching and Learning report indicated that our assessment and reporting processes for Term One were successful and also explained the assessment process that will be followed for Term 2.
  • Council were provided with an update on NAPLAN and how these assessments have been progressing at school. Being the first time the NAPLAN has been online, many challenges have been worked through to support students in the process.
  • A review of the curriculum day was presented with a an explanation of how Respectful Relationships will be implemented across the school.
  • The Disability Inclusion Profile was explained to assist council’s understanding of how funding is applied for in order to support students with extra needs.
  • The council also heard about the Pathway Program that has been established to support students to develop essential learning behaviours. 


Scott Phillips - Thanks for the memories and the hard work!

Scott phillips
Scott phillips

Recently, we received notification from Scott that he will be resigning from his position as Principal of Delacombe PS. Scott is moving into the private sector to set up his own recruitment business called Express Professionals. 


This will conclude a successful career in the teaching profession after quite a few years as principal at both Canadian Lead and Delacombe Primary Schools. The legacy he has left, particularly at Delacombe, is evident every time you take a walk through the school. The facilities are second to none and the academic and social emotional programs that have been established set a wonderful platform from which student learning is built. 


In Scott’s letter he states


‘ The decision I have made is one with a lot of thought and an understanding that I will miss many aspects of Delacombe PS life and school life in general.  Most importantly the relationships with staff, students and parents and the belonging to something that means so much to a local community is what I will miss the most.


It is obvious, from this statement, that Scott’s work to develop a school that everyone can be proud of was central to his thinking. As he will miss the Delacombe community, he will be equally missed by all.  We wish Scott all the best as he moves onto his exciting new venture.


We are currently working on a succession plan for Scott and will keep everyone informed of the process moving forward. It is most likely that the principal role will not be finalised until the end of the year.


In order to thank Scott, we are currently working on a suitable celebration that takes into account his time at Delacombe and his broader contribution to the Education Department.


School Common Professional Practice Day

For Term 2, 2022, the Department of Education and Training has asked schools to hold each teacher’s allocated professional practice day on the same day for all staff. This is to enable the most effective and efficient use of this day. 


The School Council have discussed this and has moved to support this action in the best interest of providing continuity of learning for the students. Finding enough relief teachers to cover all staff at Delacombe Primary School during the remainder of this term would be an impossible task.


As a result, we have scheduled our professional practice day for Tuesday June 14. This is the day after the long weekend and students will therefore not be required to attend school on this day. We have announced this news now to ensure parents and carers have ample opportunity to organise alternative arrangements. 


The Delacombe After School Hours (DASH) program will be running on this day and bookings can be made through the Xplore App or through the office.



The past two weeks have seen our Year 3 and 5 students participate in NAPLAN. This year has seen the assessments move to an online platform. The students have done a wonderful job adjusting to the new format. Having the two week testing window has assisted to ensure all students have the opportunity to participate. We know that the NAPLAN doesn’t tell us everything about the student, it is simply one piece of the puzzle that helps teachers make informed decisions when developing personalised learning programs. Thanks to the staff who have managed the considerable changes and to the parents who have supported their children through these assessments. 


Grade 4 Camp

This week the Grade 4 students have participated in a wonderful learning experience at Cave Hill Creek. During the 3 day camp, students have participated in team work and challenge activities like archery, the low ropes course, bouldering, map reading, hut building and bush cooking. 


It is pleasing to report that the students have represented the school extremely well and have also learnt some valuable independence skills along the way. I am sure many students will have plenty of stories to share upon their return to school.



Young Authors' Program

This week the Young Authors’ Program will be launched. This program has been offered to students in Year 5 and 6 who show a passion for and excel in the craft of writing. The official launch will be held at Mt Rowan Secondary College this Thursday May 19 beginning at 4pm. 


Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to take part in the Young Author’s Program this year:

Ruby A, Leila C, Amy S, Sophie D, Ruby L, Sam H, Annabel V, Blake M, Alexander G, Arjun K, Violet B, Eloisee M, James L, Haydar V, Benjamin H


Parent Liaison Group

Thanks to those parents who have volunteered for the Parent Liaison Group. This group will meet twice per term to discuss issues and help share the parent perspective. I am sure the discussion will provide great feedback for leadership to use when making decisions and plans for the future. Parents will be contacted shortly to confirm our first meeting date.

If you have missed the cut off date and would like to be involved, please email me on