From the Principal

Michelle Bruitzman

~ Do all that you do with love ~


Dear Parents and Friends of St Therese's Primary School,


I hope everyone is keeping well and warm on these cold mornings!


Yesterday, the staff were engaged in a professional learning day with a focus on the English as an Additional Language (EAL) curriculum. The EAL curriculum is one of the learning areas within the Victorian Curriculum and is suitable for any student who is exposed to languages other than English. It also benefits students who may speak English at home with their parents but who are not native English speakers. The EAL curriculum ensures that students have a firm understanding of the complexities of the English language and it is taught by the classroom teacher in the classroom. By teaching the EAL curriculum within the classroom, all students benefit from the experience.


We know that students at our school who are exposed to other languages and often speak two or three languages at home. While students are in their formative years, learning more than one language is a perfect time and is very much encouraged! 

Movie Night & Information Evening for Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour


On Wednesday, June 1 from 6pm - 7pm we are holding a special evening for families.


Parents are invited to the Library for an information session about our Whole School Approach to Positive Behavior Support (WSAPBS), SchoolTV, and the Community Hub. Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Osthmuller will present information about how the school supports students to behave positively while at school. The School's expectations of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, COOPERATION, and COURTESY will be explained, and how these are taught in the context of the classroom. 


SchoolTV will also be demonstrated so that parents may gain access to this fabulous resource. 


Parents who wish to bring along their children are encouraged to do so. Children may be dropped off at the Hall to watch a G-rated movie supervised by school staff so that parents may enjoy the information night in the school library.


Please lookout for the invitation on PAM and let us know if you will be able to attend this very informative and fun evening!

Student-Led Parent/Teacher Interviews

Later this term, we will hold Student-Led Parent/Teacher Interviews. These interviews are designed to support the Semester One reports that will go home in Week 8 of this term. Teachers and students will present to parents various work samples in a digital portfolio format that outlines what each student can do in the learning of English/EAL and Mathematics and what the student needs to work on in order to progress along the continuum of learning.  A letter will be sent out next week inviting parents to select a time to speak with their child's teacher at the Student-Led Parent/Teacher Interviews. 


The interviews will take place face to face at the school. In order to assist us, we ask that students are collected at 1:30 pm on Tuesday 21st June so that teachers can be ready to begin interviews at 2:00 pm. Students who cannot be collected because their parents are working will be looked after in the Hall for the afternoon.

Debbie Neville - Crossing Lady retires

I wish to let you know that Debbie has decided to retire from her work as our Crossing Lady. Debbie has been at the crossing making sure our students safely cross the road for the past 33 years! Her own children came to St Therese's school. Debbie informed me she is very sad but it is time for her to spend time with her family and grandchildren.


On behalf of the St Therese's community, I would like to wish Debbie all the very best. Her last day is Friday, June 3. 

Covid Update

Currently, we have a number of sick staff and students.  There seems to be a flu-type illness doing the rounds, as well as gastro and of course COVID.  We are continually trying to reduce the spread of germs, so please keep your child at home if they are displaying symptoms.  Thank you for your continued support in this area.



We have received an update regarding the provision of Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) in our school for the remainder of Term 2.

  • RATs will continue to be distributed to students for the remainder of this term. This ongoing supply will ensure that students have tests should they need them. 
  • From Monday 23 May 2022, it is recommended that RATs are used by students and staff when symptomatic. We do not recommend that your child complete a RAT twice a week as previously advised.
  • Students who are household contacts and attending school will still be required to conduct five tests over a seven-day period and wear a mask if they are aged 8 years or over.

Thank you again for your ongoing cooperation and support during this time.

New Principal

On Monday 24th May, it was announced that Felicity Broughton has been appointed as the new Principal for St Therese's School. She will begin on Tuesday, June 14. Felicity is very excited to begin her role as principal and I know she will be welcomed just as I was when I first arrived here. Felicity is going to come and visit the staff and students on Wednesday, June 8.


I hope you all have a wonderful week and stay well and warm!


Michelle Bruitzman
