Year 1 Spotlight

Year 1 Spotlight

It has been a bustling beginning to term two in Year 1! Students have been engaged with many hands-on learning experiences and new topics to explore. 



In Reading, students have continued to develop their reading skills and stamina. We have been busy exploring new sounds and practising them in various literacy activities. Students have enjoyed learning about the features of nonfiction texts, such contents pages, glossaries, and indexes. 

  • “I like reading Pip and Tim books.” ~ Billy J, 1A



In Writing, it has been all about procedures! Students were immersed in the text type making ANZAC biscuits and creating a recipe book using the structure of a procedure. It was fantastic to see the students working collaboratively in their groups to list the ingredients and materials, order the steps and add illustrations. This week we enjoyed making lemonade and writing the procedure using verbs such as squeeze, pour, stir, and combine.

  • “It was so fun making the lemonade. When we added the soda water it went all fizzy!” ~ Sophia G, 1B
  • “Procedures are instructions, and you can learn from them.” – Lola B, 1A



In Maths students have been solving addition problems using different strategies including count on from the biggest number, tens facts, doubles and near doubles facts, and bridging to the nearest ten. Students have also been measuring and comparing the length of different objects using uniform units. 

  • “You move the biggest number to the start when you add.” ~ Hendrix W, 1A



In Inquiry we are exploring our Earth’s resources and the importance of protecting them. Students were visited by Peter, a representative of Darebin Parklands who told a story of the journey of water as it flows from Epping, through Darebin Parklands and into the Yarra. We learnt about the native animals that we find in our local creeks and rivers as well as the potential impact of our actions on the health of creek water. We used role play as students acted out various roles, such as that of farmers and various members of the community. 

  • “I like how they talked about how you can stop polluting and using plastic.” ~ Toshi C, 1E
  • “It was good because I liked watching people do the characters.” ~ Milo K, 1D

~ Year 1 Teachers (Prue, Emilia, Anne, Serena & Brendan) and Students

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