Library News

New Shelves & Book Reviews!
The Library has had a wonderful first quarter of the year – filled with hushed whispers over shared books, browsing to find that perfect novel, exploring non-fiction, or a chapter book perhaps…
The new bookshelves are up and standing tall. During the holidays Graham and I took on the task of installing the new shelves – all the books off, new shelves up, and all the books back on again! What a difference it’s made with lots of extra shelf space and room to grow.
Library Club continues this term and has been a quiet and calm space for students to enjoy browsing, reading, or listening to a story. Join the Club at lunchtime, Mondays and Tuesdays.
I’ve just introduced markers with book reviews of fiction titles and these are proving to be successful with more novels borrowed than usual this week. These reviews help students decide which book to choose, and hopefully sway them to give a lengthier read a go. With so much good fiction in the Library this is just the little push needed to see these titles fly off the shelf.
~ Paula Stafford, FPS Librarian