French Focus

Bonjour à tous!
Year 5 & 6 Students
Students are continuing their work on their inquiry projects this term. They are using a range of texts to research interest-based topics and creating bilingual dictionaries with relevant vocabulary. Students are expected to record a bibliography and will also be assessed on their creativity in their presentation of their final work. In addition to their project work, students will be translating a range of texts from both French and English and completing various speaking and listening tasks across the term.
If anyone has any shoe boxes or similar that they would be happy to part with, if they could be donated to the French room for our students to use for their projects – that would be fantastique! Merci!
We look forward to sharing a gallery of projects with students across the school once these are completed.
Year 3 & 4 Students
Students began the term by learning ‘pierre, feuille, ciseaux’ – ‘rock, paper, scissors’ in French. They are now beginning to learn vocabulary related to ‘les émotions’. Students have completed tasks such as drawing emojis to correspond with the French emotion vocabulary and played games of memory to match the French and English. Going forward, students will be exploring drama games such as charades to use this vocabulary in context.
Students in Year 4 who have nominated to participate in the poetry competition are working hard to learn their poem and will be recording these later in the term. Any students taking part in this competition will have an opportunity to receive some one-on-one feedback during my Professional Practice day on Wednesday, 25 May.
Year 1 & 2 Students
Students are starting to learn vocabulary related to ‘les animaux’. They are exploring songs, using flashcards and playing games to develop this knowledge.
Students are beginning to notice that in French we use different words to describe animal noises. e.g., ‘ouaf, ouaf’ instead of ‘woof, woof’.
Later in the term, students will have the opportunity to learn ‘La Danse des Canards’ often referred to as ‘The Chicken Dance’ - this song is actually about ducks!
Foundation Students
Students in Foundation are beginning to learn ‘les couleurs’. They have been making connections to English e.g., ‘orange’ looks the same but sounds different, and students have completed simple French ‘colour by numbers’ with support. Foundation students are learning the song ‘Sur le Pont d’Avignon’ – ‘On the Bridge of Avignon’. We have looked at photos of the real bridge in Avignon and started some (very) basic folk dancing to the song. Hopefully later in the year we may have an opportunity to share this with Foundation families!
Hoping that everyone is enjoying a cosy start to l’automne.
~ Emily Lindsay-Smith, French Teacher